
发布 2021-04-19 16:42:28 阅读 2448





1. 英汉互译:(每空1分,共18分)







2. 为所给词组选出正确的释意:(每题1分,共10分)

1) apply fora. 用英语。

2) in englishb. 申请。

3) on salec. 对……十分喜爱。

4) unit priced. **销售。

5) be crazy aboute. 单价。

6) eat outf. 期盼,盼望。

7) take a messageg. 留信息,带口信。

8) hand outh. 邮局。

9) look forward toi. 去饭店吃饭。

10) pose officej. 分发。

3. 将下列词汇搭配组成词组:(每题1分,共5分)

1) playa. fishing

2) gob. music

3) listen toc. stamps

4) collectd. chess

5) flye. kites

2、选择合适的单词,补全对话:(每空2分,共28 分)

without like welcome do does with likes doesn’t

don’t is am are isn’t aren’t her she

1to our party!

would yousomething to drink?

2. —would you like your beerorice?

with ice, please.

3he like flying kites?

no, hehefishing.

4you like playing computer games?

no, iiwatching tv.

5you a teacher?

yes, i .

6. —is sara here?

yesis here. look! that’scoat.


1. what’s your name?

2. where are you from?

3. what’s the weather like today?

4. how long will it take you to go home?

5. what club do you like to join?


1. 选择填空,把名片补充完整。(每空1分,共6分)

a. no.9 yile street, haidian district, beijing, china

b. c. 010

d. salesman

e. tom

f. atab company

2. 选词填空:请根据地图路线给你的好朋友张青留言,告诉他如何从学校到你家。( 每空1分,共9分)

ride along, in front of, the second crossroads, at the first turning, beside,

turn left, go straight, on your right, opposite to

if you want to go to my home by bike, first1). turn right23) the road and turn right at4). then5) at the first crossroads.

my home is6). it’s just7) the post office8) the bank.

if you want to go by bus, you can take no. 2 bus. the bus stop is just9) the book store.

5、翻译句子(每2分,共 14分)

1. 能告诉我你的名字吗?

2. 你愿意和我一块儿去逛街吗?

3. tom比jack高。(身高)

4. 餐厅的特色菜是什么?

5. he is not in at the moment. may i take a message?

6. how can i get to the nearest bus stop?

7. please fill in this form in person.


姓名班级学号 考试形式 闭卷时间 100分钟 一 语音。将下列英语语音音素分类。共10分 ei f u tsi p h e 元音音素 辅音音素 二 词汇。根据要求完成下列各题。共40分 1 将下列单词所缺字母补充完整。10分 1 w come 欢迎 2 f tball 足球 3 foll 跟随 4 ...


职教中心2011 2012学年度第一学期期末考试。2010级 机械基础 试题2012 01 2010级机电 班姓名 考号 得分 一 填空题。1 在下图所示铰链四杆机构中,若机构以ab杆为机架时,则为机构 以bc杆为机架时,则为机构 以cd杆为机架时,则为机构 以ad杆为机架时,则为机构。2 凸轮机构...


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