小学英语阅读 节日篇

发布 2021-04-18 19:21:28 阅读 1505

halloween:a scary night

are you afraid of ghosts? do you think about he monsters that live in the dark? then watch out because halloween is coming.

all the scary monsters will h**e a big party at that night.

on october 31 children in some countries like us and canada celebrate halloween. they will dress up in scary clothes. they may wear a witch’s black hat or a mask with the face of a monster on it.

they go to the houses on the street where they live. they knock on the doors. when a person comes to the door they shout “trick or treat”.

the children ask for sweets and chocolates.

but if the people in the house didn’t give then nice things to eat, they play a trick on them. they may make themselves look like ghosts or monsters. this will scare the people in the houses.

at halloween people decorate their homes with scary things.

some even make gr**es in their gardens!

people make lanterns out of pumpkins. to make one you cut a big hole in a pumpkin, and then cut out two eyes, a mouth and a nose. you put a candle inside it.

the light makes it look very scary!

children also like to bob for apples. they must pick up an apple form a bowl of water with their teeth, without using their hands.

halloween has not always been a fun time. about 200 years ago people changed from a scary festival to a family one.

生词注释: halloween n. 万圣节前夕。

monster n. 怪物。

ghost n. 鬼。

decorate v. 装饰。

gr**e n. 坟; 墓穴。

难点点拨:1. watch out 提防;当心。

watch out! there’s a car coming.

2. ask for 要;要求。

the children ask for sweets and chocolates.孩子们索要糖果和巧克力。

3. play a trick 开玩笑;恶作剧。

children always play tricks on their teachers.



二、 五、创业机会和对策分析根绝短文内容判断正(t)误(f)


( 1. all the scary monsters will h**e a big party on halloween.


( 2. all the people celebrate halloween on october 31.

二、资料**:( 3. people go to houses on street and send good wishes to people.

)4. at halloween people decorate their homes with scary things.

三、 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

)1. the children go to houses and ask for __

碧芝自制饰品店”拥有丰富的不可替代的异国风采和吸引人的魅力,理由是如此的简单:世界是每一个国家和民族都有自己的饰品文化,将其汇集进行再组合可以无穷繁衍。 a.

money b. sweet c. chocolate d.

both b and c

)2. people make scary lanterns by


那么大学生最喜欢哪种手工艺品呢?此次调查统计如下图(1-3) a. apples b.

oranges c. pumpkins d. pears

5、你认为一件diy手工艺制品在什么价位可以接受?( 3. children pick up an apple from a bowl of water with

4、如果学校开设一家diy手工艺制品店,你是否会经常去光顾? a. hands b. feet c. teeth d. toes


1. which countries h**e halloween? name at least(至少)two.



what do the children shout when someone opens the door?

3. why do people put a candle inside the pumpkin latern?


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