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高一 unit2 english around the world

日期:9月29日周次:5 星期1




汉译英。1. 汽油2.

航海,航行3. 逐渐的4. 经常的5.

本身,本体,身份6. 后者7. 实际上8.

流利的9. 被提出,被谈及10. 使用,用法11.

命令,指示12. 请求,要求13. 词语,表达14.

扮演一个角色15 辨认出16 口音,音调17闪电18. 直接的,笔直的。


单词拼写。1. he looks handsome and gentle, but事实上;实际上)he is a thief.

2. she is流利的)in english and chinese.

3. with my eyes closed, i couldn’t walk直的;笔直的).

4公寓住宅)is often used in american english while “flat” is used in british english.

5. ken and mary came, the后者的)wearing a red dress.

6. magellan made a航行)round the world in the 16th century.

7. the country’s官方的)language is spanish

8. the road was堵塞;阻塞)off because of the accident.

9. he went to jinan at the请求;要求)of his manager.

10. excuse me, professor li, can you be出席的;在场的)at our meeting tomorrow?



play a part/recognize/include/come up/make use of/such as/even if/though

1. you need to pay 1,500 for the tour and the price for the hotel is

2. her sweet smilein her winning the english speech competition.

3. where are you from? i can’tyour accent.

4. to learn english well, you’d betterevery chance you h**e to speak it.

5. the question of getting new uniformsat the meeting.

6. i like hershe can be annoying at times.

7. they planted beautiful flowersroses, sunflowers in the garden.


完成句子。1. 在某些方面,这些文字是各自不同的。

these words are different from one another.

2. 包括6位老人和7名小孩,一共76人参加了这次植树活动。

seventy six people attended the tree planting, 6 old men and 7 children .

3. 如果你来晚了,你应该向老师道歉,可以在当时,也可以在课后。

if you are late , you should apologize to the teacher at that time after class.

4. 因为暴风雨的袭击,地里的庄稼受到了一定的损害。

the bad storm , the crops in the fields are damaged a lot.

5. 你听两个英国本土的人说话的时候,你会发现他们所讲的是不同的英语。

when you hear twospeak english, their english may be different.

6. 人们一致认为环境污染已经成了最严重的问题之一。

environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems.

7. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在纽约。

they decided to __the new company __new york.

8. 现在我想不出更多的主意了。

i can’tany more ideas right now.

9. 他精通德语。


10. 信不信由你,我们在雨中一直等了两个小时。

we were left waiting in the rain for two hours.


1) 根据a句的意思完成b句,是两句的意思相同或接近,每空仅填一词。

a:some people now also speak english as a foreign or second language in south asia.

b:english nowas a foreign or second language in south asia.

2) 根据括号内的短语或要求补全英语句子。

1.即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。(even if 引导的状语从句)

in our work,we should not be proud.


last year there were


customersin the restaurant.


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