
发布 2021-04-18 16:20:28 阅读 8595

知识点: sb do sth 看见某人在做某事。

see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。

see是感官动词,类似的词还有feel , hear, watch, notice 等。

i saw him come. 我看到他来了。

i heard him sing. 我听见他唱歌了。

i hear a girl singing. 我听见一个女孩在唱歌。

2. cheer sb. on 为……加油/喝彩。

will you come and cheer us on? (page 1) 你来给我们加油吗?

3. prefer doing sth.(to doing sth. else)宁愿干某事(也不愿干某事)

i prefer doing (to talking).我喜欢做(不喜欢说)。

prefer to do sth(rather than do sth. else)

our soldiers preferred to die rather than give in.我们的战士宁死不屈。

和take part in 等同,join 强调参加有组织的团体。

join the army 参军

join the party 入党

join the chinese communist youth league 加入中国共青团。

take part in 常指参加某项活动,如:

take part in the birthday party 参加生日聚会。

到达, 不及物动词;

arrive in 到达某地, 后接比较大的地方,arrive at 到达某地, 后接比较小的地方。

get 到达, get to到达某地 ,reach到达,arrivein/at=getto=reach

we arrived at a small village before it was dark. 天黑前我们到了一个小村庄。

when will they get to /reach changsha? 他们将什么时候到长沙?

be 句型及其考点。

一、“there be”是表示“存在”的一种基本方式,其句型结构通常为::there be + sb./sth. +somewhere/doing sth

二 、使用“there be”句型时要注意主谓一致(就近原则)

在there be引导的句子中, 谓语动词be的人称和数应该和它后面的主语(名词)保持。

一致, 当有两个或两个以上的名词作并列主语时, be的形式则和第一个名词保持一如:

there is a pen and two books on the desk. 课桌上有一枝钢笔。

三、there be”后面可以跟名词或动名词。

there be +主语+状语。

there is a shop at the corner. 在拐角处有家商店。

there are two books on the desk. 课桌上有两本书。

1. there was a tractor __work) and some cows __eat) grass on the farm.

2. look! therecome) the no.7 bus.

3. therebe) sheep and goats on the hill yesterday morning.

4. there mustbe) somebody in the corner because there was something __move) quickly.

6. therebe) a writer and two singers in our school last week.

7therebe) an exciting concert in town tomorrow?

8. therebe) a lot of changes in my hometown in the last two years

9. once therelive) some hard-working people in the forest.


( )1.—would you like to climb mountains with me this sunday?

—i’d love to. but i __play table tennis between class three and our class.

going going to to

( )2.—do you like swimming?

—yes, swimming is a good way __fit.

keep ( )3.—would you please __so much noise?

—oh, sorry, i won’t.

a. not make make c. not to make

( )4.—what __we do then?

—let’s go out for a walk.

( )of my teammates fell ill __he can’t practice with us now.

a. so that c. instead of mind

( )knows china is getting __

and strong strong and strong

and stronger and strongest

( )7.—would you mind __here?

—i’m sorry about that. i’ll go somewhere else.

smoking smoking smoke smoke

( )football team is __win next year.

of about that to

( )think __a foreign language is not easy. you should __it often.

learn; to practice practice

practicing to practice

( )a football match next week. shall we go and watch it?

h**e be

( )11.—don’t do that again. shame on you!

i won’t. i don’t.

right, i won’t. i won’t.

( )bad eating habit will not kill people at once. it cancause many diseases.

( )shout at him. he __

do his best well in good at his best

( )14.—congratulations! li ming, you’re the winner in the running race. are you happy?

—yes, but very tired __

well well as

( )you tell me __to the bus station?

to get do i get

i do get will i get



mike:hi, jim. 16

jim:i am going to the gym.

mike: 17

jim:i’m going to take part in the football match there. 18

mike:of course. i’ll go there to cheer you on.

jim:oh. it’s very good. 19

mike:yes, i do. but i don’t play very well.

jim:you need more practice.

mike:yes, you’re right. 20

jim:at five o’clock.

mike:oh, it’s ten past four now. let’s hurry.

long will it last?

you like playing football?

you like to go with me?

are you going?

will the match start?

are you going there for?

you enjoy soccer?


a:tomorrow is sunday. 21

b:i’m going to visit my uncle’s farm with my father, betty.

a:where’s his farm? 22

b:no, not very far. it’s about half an hour’s walk.

a:may i go with you?


a:23b:we’ll go there by bike.

a:24b:let’s meet at the park gate.

a:ok. but when shall we meet?

b:25seven in the morning.

a:all right. see you tomorrow.

b:see you


xiang broke the olympic r___and won a gold medal in the 2004 athens olympics.

are l___for beijing the day after tomorrow.

shall we s___the sour cabbage (酸菜)?

you get home from school, you should r___yourself with music.

is always careful, but her brother is always c___


you tell me your reason for___le**e) home in a hurry?

won eightgolden) medals in swimming in the beijing olympics.

basketball in 1891?

is going away for atlittle) a week.

morning exercises is a good way to keephealth).


instead of, build up, h**e fun, follow the rules

right away, more and more, take part in

11.__young people like playing computer games.

a student, you must __of your school.

helps to __our leg muscles.

you __our english corner?

15.—lucy, don’t listen to the music. do your homework first.

—ok. i’ll do it __


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