
发布 2021-04-18 16:18:28 阅读 9405

m1 u1

1. attend vt. 出席(集会等)( attendance n. 出席 attention 注意力)

attend a meeting/ a conference

a party/a wedding/a funeral/a lecture

school 去上学/church去做礼拜。

attend to sth 处理 attend on sb.照料。

辨析: attend 出席。

join 加入团体/组织。

join in 和。。。一起(参与。。。活动)

take part in 参**众性活动。

vt. 赚、获得、挣得。

earn some money/a living/one’s living/one’s respect

earn respect from sb.

earnings 所得。

3. respect n/v..

show/h**e respect for sb./sth

respect sb./one’s feelings/one’s wish/one’s choice

respected adj. 受尊重的 respectful adj. 尊敬别人的

respectable adj. 值得尊重的 respective adj 分别的,各自的

respectively adv. 各自地。

we’ll deal with the problems respectively

4. achieve v. 实现,成就---achievement n.

achieve one’s goal/aim/success/victory

make achievements in sth. 在。。。方面取得成就。

5. grade 等级 n. v. 打等级,批改

grade the *****s 改试卷。

6. **erage n./adj.

on(the/an) **erage 平均地。

he has two apples a day on **erage.

the **erage of平均数。

an **erage an **erage of 5students will attend the meeting.

**erage people/workers/teachers 普通的人/工人/老师。

above/below **erage 高于/低于平均数。

7. challenge n/v. challenging adj. 有挑战性的。

this is a job full of challenges.

challenge sb./oneself/ 挑战某人,挑战自己。

8. for free= free of charge 免费的。

be free to do sth. 自由地做某事。

be free from +n/doing (being done) 免于/免受。

the river is free from being polluted (pollution)

washfree adj. 免洗的。

free … from doing 使。。。免于。。。

the robot he bought freed his wife from ding housework.

freedom n. 自由。

但: the statue of liberty 自由女神像)

9. extra 额外的,外加的

do extra work 加班 get/receive extra pay extra time 加时。

10. prepare v. preparation n.

1). prepare vt. prepare food/a speech/lessons/a test ***** 准备饭/写演讲稿/备课/出试卷。

2) prepare for sth/ to do 为。。。作准备。

3) prepare sb. for sth./ to do 让。。。为。。作准备。

4) be prepared (adj. 强调心里准备) to do/for sth.

5) make preparations to do/for sth.

in preparation for sth.

the president sat in front of a large crowd of reporters, prepared to answer any questions from them(这里用prepared 比ready 正式)

11. drop vt.放弃 drop hope /some subjects

vt.扔 drop a stone at the dog.

drop out of school 辍学 a drop of oil/rain 一滴油/雨水。

sth. drop (可指)** the housing prices are dropping.

12. miss v. 想念。

错过 miss sb/ sth/ doing/being done

the bird missed being shot.

he missed the first train/catching the train.

missing 不见了/lost 丢失了,失踪了/gone 一去不复返。

13. experience n./v. experienced adj.

rich/poor experience 经验。

an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历。

be experienced in sth. 擅长、在。。。方面有经验。

vt. experience sth/setbacks 挫折/ hardships 艰辛。

experience an earthquake/ a flood/a storm…

14. introduce v. 介绍,引进introduction n. introductive adj.

introduce a to b (b更应受到尊敬) 把a介绍给了b

introduce a new technology (techniques)/foreign funds 外资。

an introduction to sth……。的介绍。

a brief/self introduction 简介、自我介绍

a letter of introduction 介绍信。

15. immediately 立即,马上 adv.

immediately/instantly/directly/ 连词 = as soon as

i g**e him the book immediately i saw him.

也可用 the minute/the second/the instant/the moment 一。。。就。。。

the minute the boy saw me, he ran away.

16. develop vt./vi development n.

developing developed adj.

develop a habit of养成 /an interest in培养 / an area开发,发展/a mine开采/a city发展/a film冲洗。

the child develops slowly. 发育。

with the development of science/society/industry 随着。。。的发展。

developing/developed countries

it’s no easy task to select a mobile phone for personal use, for electronic technology is developing very fast.

17. donate v. donation n. donor n. 捐赠人。

donate sth./some money to sp/sb 向。。。捐赠。

n. 礼物/天赋 ——gifted adj. 有天赋的。

h**e a gift/talent for---be gifted/talented in…. 在。。。方面有天赋。

n/v. 展出。

display sth he’ll h**e some of his paintings displayed.


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