
发布 2021-04-18 16:09:28 阅读 4774

unit 7必会词语。

acityof heroes

1. cultural relics/sites文化古迹2. in one's opinion以某人的意见3.

where there is a river, there is a city.4. on the bank of a river在河岸/畔5.

during/in one's lifetime;

in all one's life;

throughout one's life在某人的一生中6. look like something out of a fairy tale像是从童话种走出来的一样7. in history在历史上。

8. under attack/fire被攻击(under=in the process of)under arrest; under discussion; under construction;

underconsideration;undercontrol;underexamination;underinvestigation;underobservation;under repairs;

9. give in(to sb)让步,屈服give up放弃give out发放;发出(光;热;气等);用尽。

give off散发(光;热;气)give away抛弃;捐赠give over转交,移交=hand over

10. in ruins废墟bring…to ruin使…变成废墟=ruin sthcome/go to ruin=fall into ruin变成废墟。

11. lie in pieces on the ground成为碎片撒了一地12. we will do everything/all/what we can to s**e our city.

13. it seems (to me) that…;it seems as if …;there seems to be…

s. +seems/seemed to...

14. bring…back to life使…复苏,使…苏醒come back to life复苏;苏醒。

15. with the help of=with sb's help在…的帮助下16. including sth.

/sth. included包括…在内区分:include和contain

this album contains 30 maps, including three of china.17. look out over the city俯视这个城市18.

come true实现(realize one’s dream)come easy/right/loose

19. strong, proud and united, the people of st petersburg are the modern heroes of russia.形容词做伴随性状语:

cruso returned home, full of fear.

the policeman put down the telephone, satisfied with a smile on his went to bed, hungry.

language study& grammar

19. over a period of 150 years经过150年19. change one's mind改变主意。

20. in men's table tennis singles / doubles event在男子乒乓球单打比赛中21. pull down推倒;拆。

21. send up发射send for; send out;

22. set up成立;建立;found; put up; build23. turn/change…into…把…变成24.

keep the same look保持原貌25. so far = up till now到目前为止。

integrating skills

26. make +宾语+宾语补足语使的…make +宾语+ do sth =sb be made to do sth+ n.+ adj.

donemake one's voice heard;make oneself known/understood

workbook exercises

27. provide / supply sth for sb = provide sb with sth.给…提供offer sb sth = offer sth to sb

28. be careful with对…小心/认真29. h**e much /little/nothing in common有很多/几乎没有/没有共同之处30.

be made up of由…组成consist of

31. settle down定居settle a problem

32. keep in touch with与…保持联系keep track ofget in touch with与…取得联系be out of touch with与…失去联系lose touch with与…失去联系。

33. bring down/up the price降价/提价 down /up

34. put up a notice张贴布告35. the state council***。

the rescue of abu simbel36. for several reasons由于一些原因。

37. all through the year=all the year round一年四季throughout the year

38. rise by 63 meters上升了63米by表示“相差程度”

39. as a result /consequence of由于…的结果。

40. date from = date back to追溯于;始建于。

this temple dates from the song dynasty.

the temple, dating back to the song dynasty, will be pull down.41. in danger处于危险中; out of danger脱离危险42.

be carved in rock被刻在岩石上43. make a plan for为…制订计划。

44. stone by stone一块石头一块石头地one by one

45. in all = in total =altogether总共46. be marked with被标上…记号47.

three gorges dam三峡大坝48. the temple of he**en天坛。


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