英语试题 2

发布 2021-04-18 12:03:28 阅读 1502


英语试题。时间:9 0 分钟总分100分)

一、 读一读,给下列字母按照字母表的顺序排序。(10分)

h e a g n k q r z t


) thirty b fifty c four d too

) math b english c book d chinese

) rice b soup c vegtable d plate

) table b window c chair d room

) study b bedroom c classroom d chicken


1 pictu___a. er b. re d . ur

2 fr___end a .a b . e c. i d . o

3 kit__en a. eh b. ch d. ah

4 sch__l a .eo b. ao c. oa d. oo

5 ph__e a. cn b. ce c. on d. no


)1 . sit on the sofaa .用刀切。

)2 . go to the livingroomb. 玩电脑游戏。

)3 . cut with the knifec. 坐在沙发上。

)4. play computer gamesd. 随便吃。

)5. help yourselfe .去起居室


1 pens you do h**e how many(?)

2 for like would dinner what you(?)

3 the are where keys (?

4 is your schoolbag what in(?)

5 is home your this(?)

六、读一读,选择合适的选项 10分)。

1 i’m___what’s for dinner?

a . hungry b . quiet c. right

2 what __you like?

a . dob . would c. will

3 she is a girl ._name is susan.

a. hisb.

4 is this your bag?

a .yes, they are. isc. no,it aren’t.

5 i’d like some___

a .vegetable b. vegetabless c. vegetables



a. set the tableb. answer the phone c. watch tv


a. i h**e a friendb. i h**e a new classmate.

c. i h**e a new friend.


. everthing is ready . b. let me try . c. you can try .


a. how much is the schoolbag? b. what is a schoolbag ?

c. how many is the schoolbag ?


a. let us clean the classroomb. let us clean the desks and chairs .

c . let us clean the board .


a : welcome to my homeyou can see a bedroom .

ba : yes ,it is .

ba: it’s time for dinner

b :i’d like some rice and fish .

a : ok! wait and see

ba : you’re welcome !

1 is this your bedroom?

2 thank you !

3 this is my home .

4 what would you like ?

it’s very nice.


i am zhang peng . i’m ten. i’m in class one,grade four .

i h**e a nice room. in my room ,you can see a big bed. near the bed is a desk.

what’s on the desk? ah ,it’s a light. i h**e a tv in my room .

it’s on the desk, too. near the desk is my chair . a picture is on the wall.

i love my room.

) 1. zhang peng is

a . twelve b . elevenc . ten

) 2. zhang peng is in

a. class 1, grade 1 b .class 4, grade 1

c. class 1, grade 4

) 3. the desk is __the bed .

a. underb . on

) 4. -is the tv on the desk ?

a. yes, it is . b .no, it isn’t. c. i don’t know.

) 5. a___is on the desk .a .


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...