
发布 2021-04-18 11:56:28 阅读 5403

lesson 25 i enjoy spending time with my grandparents.


1. she doesn’t mindgetting, to get ) up early.

2. they expectliving, to live ) in the city.

3. let mehelp, to help ) you next time.

4. i really can’t standdo , doing) that.

5. i spend half an hourto read, reading) english every day.

6. do you wantto go, going) with me?


1. 我希望不久能见到你。( you, soon, to , hope, see)

2. 我不介意走很长的路来参观你们的学校。(mind, tr**el, don’t, a long way, visit, )

3. 在农场附近有一条河。( there, a river, be , near, the farm)

4. 你看上去很累。( you, tired, look)

5. 麦克喜欢骑马。( ride, enjoy, a horse)

6. 我不想照看那个孩子。(feel like, don’t, looking after, the baby)


a: where are you going for your holidays this year?

b1what about you?

a: i’m thinking about going to kunming. 2

b: i’ll go there by train. i’ll take the jingjiu line.

a3wish you a pleasant journey


1. do you live with your grandparents

2. where do your grandparents live

3. what are your grandparents’ hobbies

4. do you often visit them

5. what do you often do with them

lesson 26 she always says “ good morning.”


1. do you the lights when you le**e the room?

2. it isto h**e good manners.

3. it’s cold today. please the window.

4. jim is a kind boy. he always his seat for a disabled person on a bus or a subway.

5. mary often doors for people and lets them through first.

6. do you keep in a library?


1. do you often help elderly peoplecrossing, to cross) the street?

2. people areexpecting, expected) to respect old people.

3. she alwayssays, say) “goodbye” to her mother when he goes to school.

4. thereis, are ) many trees around the building.

5. she sometimestalks, to talk) to herself.

6. listen, someonesings, is singing) in the next room.


1. 我认为他学习很努力。 (think, study, hard)

2. 保持健康很重要。 (important, to keep, healthy)

3. 人们在排队等候上车。(people, wait, in line, get on, bus)

4. 在公共场所希望我们使用“请”和“谢谢 ”。expect, say, “thank you”, in public)

5. 他在影院总是保持安静。(keep, quiet, in the movie theatre)

6. 操场上有许多学生。( many students, on the playground)


1. what should we do when we are in the movie theater?

2. what should we do when we are in the street?

3. what should we do when we le**e the room?

lesson 27 do you like yourself?

一 、根据句意选择括号中正确的词填空。

oftenhelping, helps) me with my english.

2. he fell over andhurt, hurts) himself.

3. did youbought, buy) the book at the store yesterday?

4. you shouldlearn, to learn) to love yourself.

5. can hesings, sing) an english song?

6. to love yourself will make youfeel, feeling) comfortable.


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四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...


四川农业大学网络教育专科考试。饭店英语试卷。课程 364034 本试题一共三道大题,共4页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。一 词汇选择 每小题2分,共20分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将序号填在题后的括号里 1.外汇兑换水单 c a.exchange rateb.exchange she...