
发布 2021-04-17 22:18:28 阅读 1876

often taught his son不要入不敷出).

author of the report is对这问题非常熟悉) in the hospital.

nurse must be意识到传染怎么发生)and the ways to keep it from spreading.

his death ,the business被交给他的儿子).


model tests

is determined to go for music即使从学校退学).

2正如今天报纸上所报道的),the shanghai export commodities fair

is also open on sundays.

is hour when the place到处都是妇女和儿童).

medical team is由医生和**组成).

man once有一大笔钱);now all that is left to him is loneliness.

until yesterday我才见到那位作家).

sorry to h**e hurt your feelings .but i不是故意这样做的).

8尽管她有很多钱),she is unhappy.

managed to将疾病限制在)a small area.

h**e never taken anything不属于我的).

in this city能找到人帮你).

did not eat anything知道夜幕降临).

forget to8点钟去接他).she will h**e had bath by then.

car is kind of shabby与我的车相比).

boy is too young to和爱父母分开).

left the restaurant他一吃完晚餐).

17除非你熟练掌握英语语法),you won’t write good english.

i h**en’t met him for only a few weeks, he treats me好像我是。


19. i h**e come to know mr. smith quite well基本是这笔生意的原因).

had never seen such delicious food更不用说尝过了).

21就我而言),i don’t object to your marriage.

22. you are not boring me与此相反的是),i enjoy your company.

23. niagara falls著名的旅游景点)drawing millions of visitors ever year.

24既然你已经能够长大了),you should start our own career.

25即使我很忙),i will attend the meeting.


六 不定式 10 1 it was a great achievement10个月建成一栋24层的楼 to complete a 24 story building in 10 months 考点 不定式作主语时常用it作形式主语放在句首代替不定式,而将不定式移到谓语后面 2 it is neces...


dear ladies and gentlemen,the assignments on c e translation are just as follows.you may choose whichever paragraph you like best to practise with,and...


明代哲学家王阳明早年因反对朝廷宦官,一度被贬为贵州龙场驿丞。在此任上,他捕获了当地一个强盗头目。该头目在受审时说 我犯的是死罪,要杀要剐,任你怎么处置,只请你不要和我谈道德良知。像我这种人是从来不谈这个的,甚至连想都没有想过。王阳明说 好的,今天我不和你谈道德良知。不过,天气这么热,你看在审案前我们...