
发布 2021-04-17 18:29:28 阅读 8664



up熬夜。eg:i want to stay up tonight and watch the late show.今晚我不想睡觉,等着看深夜电视节目。

eg:i will make this radio work even if i h**e to stay up all night.即使通宵不眠,我也要把这台收音机修好。

the midnight oil (熬夜)

以前的人都是用油灯来照明,如果有人在深夜时分燃点灯油,即表示那个人仍在努力的埋头苦干。现今,我们已不会再燃点油灯,但是这意思依然保留下来,因而有burn the midnight oil这个成语的出现。burn the midnight oil是指通宵达旦地工作,亦即是我们所谓的开夜车。

要burn the midnight oil的时候,实在是一件令人劳累的事,那么,大家就要小心身体了!

eg:“angela is a workaholic. she always burns the midnight oil on her work.


3.相关成语pull an all nighter

与burn the midnight oil的意思相通。如:teachers do not encourage students to pull an all nighter for exams.

they should pay attention during lessons.”(老师不会鼓励学生在试前才温书至深夜,他们应该上课时专心听书才对。)

i stayed up late last night to watch the final game of the world cup.


late hours don't agree with me.

我不习惯熬夜。(keep late hours晚睡晚起)

did you burn the mid-night oil again last night?你昨晚又熬夜了吗?

it's usual for him to sit up late at night.他经常晚上熬夜。

some people prefer sitting up to going to bed early.


he is a night owl.他是个夜猫子。

she was tired out by these long vigils.长期熬夜使她筋疲力竭。

college students often pull an all-nighter at the end of a semester.



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