
发布 2021-02-09 15:57:28 阅读 6550

enough to know 幸好。

enough to know it is not on the menu.

i want it to be special. 我想要特别一点。

just stay out my life 别干涉我的生活。

you’d better not show your face again. 你最好别再出现。

double time 赶快。

honey, double time.

that’s the way things are supposed to be. 事情本该这样。

watch where you are going! 走路看着点!

i got a lot of stuff to do 我有好多事情要做。

how’s your mom doing.. 你妈妈过得怎么样。

that’s not what i mean. 我不是这个意思。

i just want things to go back the way they used to be. 我想回到从前。

move,please 请让开(礼貌的)

i will tell her you came by. 我会告诉她你来过。

i must h**e totally blanked. 我完全不记得了。

how can i fix it. 我要怎样弥补。

oh , admit it. 承认吧。

it is unfortunate twist of fate. 命运开的玩笑 (twist 扭曲)

sorry. –there is no need to be. 不需要。

i am not who you though i was. 我不是你想的那样。

i didn’t mean to. 我不是有意的。

he says that you two used to crew together. 他说你们曾经一起出海。

from this school, one of the main things we learn is forgiveness. 在学校我们学到的最重要的事情便是宽容。

will you excuse me?

may i please be excused? 能失陪一下吗?(回答常是sure之类)

would you pardon me for a moment? 请等一下好吗?

no one will ever hear it from me. 我不会告诉别人。

obviously, i don’t know anything about your life.很明显,我对你一无所知。

i ‘ll happy to do. i’d like to. 我很乐意。

i will keep that in mind. 我会记着的。

you really impressed the guy.你给那人印象很深(impressed对…极深的印象)

it really impressed me. 我被迷住了。

so not remotely funny. 这一点也不好笑(remote遥远的,偏僻的)

i will be right there. 我马上到。

it is okay that i am here? 我来这没问题吧?

whenever something is bothering you , i can always find you here. 你一有烦心事,我总能在**找到你。

you’re supposed to be my best friend.你应该是我最好的朋友。

why did you le**e without saying goodbye.为什么你一句话都不说就走了。

only time will tell. 时间来说明。

that’s fantastic! why didn’t you say something? 太棒了,你怎么没早点说呢!

i just on the way back from my mom’s. 我刚去了我妈那儿。

i don’t want to be in your way 我可不想碍你事。

i guess miracles can happen. 我觉得会有奇迹发生。

you didn’t h**e to do that, nobady wanted him here. 你没必要这样,没人希望他来。

can i give you a little tip? 我可以提个小小的建议吗。

she’s really not as bad as you think.她不是你想的那么坏。

they are extraordinary! 它们非常美/特别。

she knows me well 她很了解我。

just le**e them over there. 放一边就行了。

i left you a list. 我留了张清单给你。

is everthing okay with him? 他还好吧?

nothing for you to worry about. 别担心。

she is preety fantastic. 她很迷人。

you are really talented 你太有天赋了。

now you either eat, or you le**e. 你现在要么吃,要么走。

i was h**ing a lot of fun today. 我今天很开心。

i am in a good mood. 我心情好好。

i hope you don’t mind. 希望你别介意。

i am sure it’s just a coincidence. 我肯定这只是个巧合。

choose to be positive 选择积极面对。

are you jealous 你嫉妒吗?

at your service. 听您吩咐。

where do you think you’re going? 你要去哪

anythere but here. 离开这。

well, this is the perfect opportunity to do it. 现在是最好的机会(做某事)

she is getting coffee.她去拿/买咖啡了。

didn’t expected to see you . 没想到遇见你。

it is not the time yet 现在还不是时候。

put the past in the past. 让过去的都过去。

you ruin my party on purpose. 你故意破坏我的聚会。

that was you made. 刚才你弄得真是。

just pretend this never happened. 就当做什么都没发生过吧。

what can i supposed to do 那我应该怎么做?!(虚拟。

let’s set some rules. 我们来做些规定。

please set me free 放我走吧。

that’s not what she told me a couple days ago.她几天前可不是这么说的。

absolutely 当然。

i don’t know exactly. 我根本不知道。

excellent work. 干得好/好极了=excellent =very good

i am pretty sure it is **ailable. 我确定没问题。

we ran out of place to go. 我们没地方去了/没地方玩了。

there is no place i’d rather be 我无处可去。

i wouldn’t h**e it.我都不会。

you are completely and entirely prejudged the guy你完全对他偏见。

your life is completely uncharmed and **erage. 你的生活很普通,平淡。

i am in complete support of it 我完全/百分百支持。

i am new at this 我没什么经验。

things are finally come back to nomal. 一切终于恢复正常。

be nice and neutral, and things will swing back to normal.对人好点,中立点,情况就会恢复正常了。

just let nature take its course. 就让事情自然发生吧/顺其自然吧。

you almost ruined things between me and lily once before. 你曾经几乎破坏了我和lily的感情。

you are bribing me? 你在贿赂我?

so we h**e a deal then? 那成交?

the purchase order never lies. 订购单不会错的。

she is a liar, you got played. 她是个**,你被耍/骗了。

i expected the worst from you. 我对你失望极了。

get over. 振作点。

start over 重心开始。

is this really the best place for us to talk? 我们非得在这谈吗?

put her on the phone. 让她接**。

how did we get here? 我们怎么会到这来。

if memory serves…. 如果没记错的话。

i am taking you somewhere. 我带你去个地方。

i judge the cover 我以貌取人/我判断靠表面的。

i see your point. 我懂你的意思。

you got a wrong person. 你认错人了。

maybe i underestimated her. 可能我低估她了。

the moment i met you, i’ve been falling for you. 我一看见你,就喜欢上你了。


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