
发布 2021-02-09 15:50:28 阅读 4022


大家是不是想到了this is the best thing in the history呢?更地道的表达其实是this is the bestthing since sliced bread,这里的sliced bread指“切片面包”。[追根溯源]


thebest thing since sliced bread就引申为“有史以来最好的事情”。2.情人眼里出西施。

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder表示“情人眼里出西施”,其中beholder意为“目睹者”。例:-it's beyond me that mary would like to marry james.

there is an ugly scar on his face.我真想不到玛丽竟然会想嫁给詹姆斯。他脸上有道难看的疤。

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. don't be so shallow.情人眼里出西施。


当别人在为一点儿小便宜而高兴时,你就可以告诉他:there is no such thing as a free lunch.例:

-i hear bread is free now in that supermarket. let's go and get some!我听说那个超市的面包现在免费,咱们快去拿点儿!

there is no such thing as a free lunch. it's just a trick.天下没有免费的午餐。这只是一个伎俩罢了。


这句话可以说成practice makes perfect.例:-my oral english is so poor that i'm nervous when talking with foreigners.


practice makes perfect. just keep on going.熟能生巧。只需多加练习就好。5.你真走运!

大家一定想到了you are very lucky,然而更地道的说法则是:god is shining on you.例:

-you know what, i just won a lottery prize.你知道吗?我刚买彩票中奖了。

-oh,god is shining on you!天哪,你太幸运了!6.


这句话用英语表示就是it's a matter of the chicken or the egg或it's a chicken and egg problem.


地道的英语口语。1.xyz 检查你的拉链。hey,man.xyz.老兄啊!检查一下你的拉链吧。xyz 是 check your zipper.的意思。美国填表中的选项多用打 x 来表示。这个选项的动作就叫 check 也就是xyz 中的x。y 代表your,z当然代表zipper 啰!2.kick ...


enough to know 幸好。enough to know it is not on the menu.i want it to be special.我想要特别一点。just stay out my life 别干涉我的生活。you d better not show your face a...


从日常生活中学来的语言才是最生动鲜活的。混迹国外多年的网友。给我们整理了一些外国人常用的但国内教科书上难见到的地道英语表。达,快来看看吧,会用之后感觉口语水平瞬间上升一万点。1.i m good i m good 除了可以用来回答 how are you?表示 我很好 之。外,还常用于 do you...