call it a day.今天就到此为止。
practice 15 more minutes and let's call it a day.再练习15分钟,我们今天就不练了,今天到此为止。英文里用turn表示长大了一岁。
i am 8 this year, and will turn 9 next year.我今年8岁,明年9岁。
slipped my mind表示“哎呀,我忘记了!”imeanttoreturnthisbookbacktoschool,butittotally slipped my mind.今天我该把书还回学校的,但完全忘记掉了。
2 weeks from this wednesday表示“下下周三”的意思。
表示下周三是nextwednesday,但是两周后的下下周三就不能说next next wednesday,可以说i’msoexcitedthatmyparentswillcome2weeksfrom this wednesday.
我的父母下下周三就要过来了,我好高兴好兴奋!bells and whistles表示“花里胡哨”的意思。
i don't care about the engine and the wheels; i kind
of prefer the bells and whistles.
knock off别吵了,别闹啦!can you knock it off?你能不能别吵了?
the party will kick off at 5 o'clock.派对五点钟开始。
另外,当我们开始一个项目时,可以说kickofftheproject,tag along跟着。
i don't want anyone to tag along with me.我不想有人跟着我。
can you stop yelling? you are driving me crazy!你能停止大喊大叫吗?
你把我逼疯了!behind schedule进度比计划的慢。
he finally finished that up on time after being behindschedule most of the time.他最终还是完成了这个项目,尽管大多数时间都比计划中要慢。ahead of schedule提前。
we are ahead of schedule so we don’t need to hurryup.
silly goose小笨鹅。
不过这个silly goose并不是真的用来骂人的,爸爸妈妈或老师亲昵地喊小朋友“silly goose”,就跟我们说的“小笨笨”,“小笨蛋”一样。
don’t be dumb, silly goose.别犯傻了,小笨笨。堵车,一个很地道很形象的说法,sit in traffic除了sit in traffic,还可以用stick in traffic表达同样的意思哦,比如,weheadedoutearlyonfridayorwewouldh**ebeen stuck in traffic forever.
当我们很抓狂的时候该怎么表达呢?it drives me crazy.它要把我逼疯了。it’s all messed up.乱成一团啦!
hedroppedtheice-creamonthecarpetandmessed everything up.他把冰激凌掉在地毯上,弄得一团糟!
mess也可以做名词,比如it’s a mess.一团糟。
地道英语口语 说服 persuasion me into it.想办法说服我吧。on the band wagon.顺应时潮吧。the flow.跟随着大伙依样画葫芦吧。re tempting me.你快说动我了 你在引诱我。t fight it.不要抵挡它。1 this one is on me....
个人和外国交流总结的地道英语词汇写法。information info product catalog cata 只是有时,有些客户不是这样写 pictures photos pics product pro 这些都可以不加 因为不是缩写,只是他们写英文的习惯 please pls attachme...
1.我是认真的。i mean it.2.真便宜。that s a steal.3.我想喝点可乐。i am dying for coke.4.大家都这么说。so they say.5.轻声点 慢慢来 别着急easy does it.6.一言为定。it s a date.7.我不懂。it s beyon...