
发布 2021-04-17 15:20:28 阅读 9556

unit 6—unit 10 复习。

unit 6 i like music that i can dance to.

1. i love music that i can sing along with. 跟着唱。

2. i like music that i can dance to.随着跳。

3. rosa likes music that is quiet and gentle. is与music相搭配。

4. i love singers who write their own music. write 与singers相搭配。

5. we prefer music that has great lyrics.: has与 music相搭配。

6. he likes movies that are about monsters. are与 movies相搭配。

7. i prefer english to chinese.可使用名词。

8. i prefer singing to dancing.也可跟动名词,要形式一致。

9. the music reminds me of brazilian dance music.使某人想起…

a monday morning 具体某一天的前面用on

12. make us happy 使…高兴。

13. too much 和much too

v. +too much;

too much + n.过多;

much too +adj.太,过于。

14. such as 作“例如…”讲,只能例举并列部分事实,即不能是全部。

he knows six languages, such as chinese and english.

unit 7 where would you like to visit?

1. i’d like to go somewhere relaxing.


2. i’d like to go to places(where the weather is warm).

括号中为宾语从句;从句中is与the weather进行搭配。

3. it’s supposed to be very hot.

4. why notconsider visiting…?

5. decide to do sth.决定去做…

6. in the east of china 在中国的东部(在中国范围以内)

to the east of china 在中国的东部(在中国范围以外,互不相连)

at the east of china 在中国的东部(与中国接壤,挨着)

7. provide sb. with sth. about…

8. big enough:enough 和形容词一起用放后面。

enough water:enough放在名词前面。

9. let us know:let后面跟动词原形。

unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city park.

1. would like to do sth.

2. i will help…一般将来时。

3. 你还认识下列这些动词短语吗?

work outside/ cheer up/ help with/ help sb. do sth./ give out/ clean up/ come up with/ put off/ write down/ put up/ hand out/ call up/ need to do/ put off ****** a plan/ set up/ volunteer their time to do…/ spend … doing…/ could help…/run out of/ take after/ fix up/ give away/ be similar to…/ try to do/ ask for/ work out

4. put it off代词放在中间/ put off the plan名词放在后面。

5. volunteering is great. 动名词做主语。

unit 9 when was it invented?

1. 词组:

want to do/ fall into/ decide to do

in the end/ by accident/ according to/ in this way


i didn’t go to bed until i finished my homework.昨晚我直到完成作业才去睡觉。

one of +名词复数: 其中之一。

dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in china. 大连是中国最美丽的城市之一。

2. 被动语态:be + done

when was the car invented? it was invented in…

who was it invented by? it was invented by…

what is it used for? it is used for tr**eling.

3. 1) some time: 一些时间。

i h**e some time this afternoon, i will go to see you.

2) sometime: 未来某一时候。

i would like to go to hong kong sometime next month.

3) sometimes:有时。

i sometimes watch tv.

4) some times:一些次/倍/遍(once, twice, three times…)

i h**e seen this film some times.

unit 10 by the time i got outside, the bus had already left.

1. 词组:

take a shower/ get up/ get outside/ get to school/ get in the shower/ le**e…at home/ get home/ get back to school/ walk into/ start(begin) doing=start(begin) to do/ be late for/ go off/ wake up/ h**e to do/ wait for/ come out/ take a quick shower/ h**e breakfast/ run off to the bus stop/ give sb. a ride/ break down/ invite sb. to do sth.

/ stay up late/ show up/ be exhausted/ land on/ move across/ set off

2. on time:准时,按时。

in time:及时。

3. i only just made it to my class. 我恰好准时到校。

4. forget to do:忘记去做某事。

i forgot to turn off the lights yesterday. 昨天我忘了关灯。

forget doing sth.: 忘记做过某事。

i forgot sending the letter. 我忘了给你寄过信。

5. so…that…: so+adj. /adv. +that+句子(如此…以致于…)

he is so friendly that everyone likes him.

he runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.

6. hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of: 前面无具体数字时,三个数词后一定加s

two hundred/ five thousand/ ten million: 前面有具体数字时,三个数词后不加s

7. stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。

stop doing sth.停止做某事。

8. both…and…两者都…

unit 6 — unit 10写作复习。

unit 6 i like music that i can dance to.


句型:rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle.

i love singers who write their own lyrics.

we prefer music that can make us relaxed.


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