
发布 2021-04-17 09:32:28 阅读 4782

.unit 2 my familyperiod i vocabulary学习目标:



grandfather manager uncle family picture both always stand worker、be kind to、enjoy doing、live with、be popular with、on the right

on the left、be full of、a pair ofⅱ.补全音标。

1. parent \′p___r__ l__ vl___f__m__ 二.自主**ⅰ.英汉互译。

1.我的全家福 worker3.喜爱做 kind to5.受…欢迎 with

7.在左边 pair of glasses9.相当酷 full of词汇。

___反义词)__复数) 复数)反义词) 反义词)反义词比较级最高级)名词) 形容词)三.课后作业。

1)预习本单元的阅读:my family.2.)课后补充练习。

1..mr wang受…欢迎) his students because his class is___生动的)and有趣的).

2. who is the man standing在…左边) family充满了) love and warmth.


wang is a退休工人),he enjoyslive)with old man with一副眼镜)is my叔叔). teachers对…和蔼可亲)us.

istall)and __thin). but lucy isand


___short,fat)period ii grammar一.交流研讨,知识呈现。


1.--are theyyou ) books?--yes ,they are __our)

lovethey ) very isi ) classmate.

li often looks aftershe ) brother.5.--i like englishi ) too.

6.--are theythey ) bags?

---no, they aren’ttheir );they arewe )三.趁热打铁,能力提升。

)1. you may come to my house __this week __next .neither; or b .

from; to c .either; or d. either; nor( )don't think we can do it all __don't want this shirt.

please show me __

a .others b .the others c .another d .the other

) can't repair the model ship __can you help __a .me; me b. myself; myself c .

myself; me d. me; myself( )your brother often wash clothes __a. he b .

himself c. herself d .him

)6. we study chinese, english, maths and some __the other b. one c .other d .another

) h**e two sistersof them are both b. all c .either d. neither

) shewrote___nameonitscover

a .hers; her; herself b. her; hers; herself


c. herself; her; hers d .her; herself; herself

)9."don''smuchwrongwithyou."saidthe doctor.

a. nothing b .everything c. something d .very

) are __the same size, so you may take __half of thecake.

a. at; each b. in; both c .at; neither d .in; either( )stayed there longer than __

a. anyone b .anything else c.

anybody d .anybody else( )this her bike? no, it isn’t.

it's __a. mine b. my c.

me d. he's( )13. _li ping's brother.

a. her b. his c. he's d. she's

) is a boy. name is wang he b. his c. her d. he's( )s this

sabread 'sbread 'sbread( )the b. them c. it d. he( )a me b. you c. us d. me

)18. mother often seeson sunday.

) you see tom and his sister, tellthat __mother is waiting at the gate.

a. his; his b. her; hers c. them; their d. his; her( )wants you to talkabout china.

a .anything b .nothing c. thing d .something


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