中考英语专题复习 对话填空

发布 2021-04-12 14:01:28 阅读 5337


peter: hi, sally. come and h**e a look at my photos.

sally: are these the photos you took in africa, peter?

peter: 1 look, this is a wildebeest. it’s an animal in africa.

sally: 2

peter: no, it doesn’t. it only eats grass.

sally: are there a lot of animals in africa?

peter: 3

sally: oh, this photo looks interesting. what are you doing there?

peter: 4

sally: did you h**e a good time there?

peter: of course. 5

a. yes, there are many.

b. yes, they are.

c. i really enjoyed myself.

d. does it eat meat?

e. i am riding the elephant.


2010湖北省黄石市,ⅹ,5) 情景交际。


a policeman is asking bobsomething about a traffic accident p is for policeman . b is for bob.)

p: excuse me , sir , were you just right there when the accident happened ?

b: yes , 1 isaw it all .

p: 2 b: certainly .

it was a big blue ear . the driver and another four people were in it . i’m sure it wasn’t s fapsnese car .

p: say something about the driver , please .

b: oh , yer . 3 and he was a tall man with dark hair and dark glasses .

p: 4 b: yes , it was terrihle . the he was a tall man with dark hair and dark glasses .

p: 5 b: sorry , i didn’t .

a. he was in blueb. did you notice the car number ?

c. can you say something about the car ? d. i was right there .

e. who saw itf. what else ?

g. can you tell me something more ?


a) (2010黑龙江省鸡西市,iv,5)choose the best response from a to f according to the sentences given. each choice should be used only once.

)51. helena, how do you study english?

)52. what do you think of your chinese teacher?

)53. john, i won the 400-meter race in the school sports meeting.

)54. i got home late yesterday and missed the cartoon movie.

)55. it’s raining harder! let’s stand under that big tree.

答案】(a)51~55 ecfda


a: good morning , madam .

b: 61a: you look worried . what’s wrong with you ?

b: my daughter got lost when i did shopping in the market this morning . i’ve looked for her everywhere in the market , but i can’t find her .

what shall i do ?

a: 62tell us something about her . we can help you .

b: thank you , sir .

a: now please tell me how old she is .

b: she’s five years old .

a: 63b: she’s kind of he**y , and she has a round face and long curly hair .

a: what color dress is she wearing today ?

b: 64a: what’s your telephone number ?

b: it’s 9256480.

a: ok . we’ll start to look for her right away . we’ll call you as soon as we find her .

b: 65a. what does she look likeb. good morning , sir .

c. thank you very muchd. don’t worry .

e. is it a boy or a girlf. she’s wearing a red skirt .



八、情景交际 ,共5分)


susan:the summer holidays are coming._71_.

frank:i’m going to visit beihai.


think swimming in the sea is wonderful._73_

susan:i’m going to disneyland in hong kong.

frank:wow!that sounds like fun!_74_

susan :seven days.


susan :my parents.

frank:wish you a good time!


答案】 72. e

2010 四川达州阅读理解每小题2分 )从对话后的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。

m: you look unhappy. 61

w: oh… my clothes are out of style. i don’t look cool.

m: well, maybe you should buy some new clothes.

w: yes, but i don’t h**e enough money.

m: huh62

w: i can’t, because my parents want me to stay at home every night. i argued with them about it.

m: well, you shouldn’t argue with your parents63

w: and guess what else is wrong?

m: what?w64

广东中考英语专题复习 看图填空

2010广东中考英语专题复习 如何做看图填短文题?i.如何做看图填空题?看图填空题的要求是根据一幅或几幅图 广东省中考题 4幅图 以及所给短文的内容,在短文空格填入恰当的单词,使文章完整通顺。做这种题一方面要看懂图画包含的内容,一方面要读懂短文的意思,然后再根据上下文以及一些构词法的知识写出单词正确...

中考英语专题复习二 单项填空

共15小题,计15分。试题题干简洁明了,突出考点,始终体现 基础知识和基本技能 的考点回归最基础的要求,不出偏题 难题和怪题。试题考查内容广,涉及词法 句法 情景会话等,考点遍布初中各项语法知识。如冠词 代词 介词 形容词 动词 情态动词 动词不定式 动词词语辨析 动词短语 现在完成时 定语从句 宾...


一。方法步骤 跳读 抓住首尾句,忽略20个空,快速跳读,而后判断文体,从而 主题。通读 寻找信息,掌握大意,边读边填,了解全文。细读 前后照应,排除干扰,填出难度较大的词。复读 反复推敲,调整答案。二。解题技巧 1.宏观掌控 通读全文,抓住中心,把握基调。通过通读全文,确立文章基调,文章的体裁,作者...