中考英语分类汇编 8 动词辨析

发布 2021-04-11 07:32:28 阅读 3863


2011连云港】10.—do you h**e nokia e72 mobiles?

—sorry, they h**e been __you may come next week.

a. given out b. looked out c. sold out d. come out


他们已经被卖完。give out意为“分发;用完;消耗尽”; look out为“小心,注意”;sell out为“卖完,用光”;come out为“出版”。

2011连云港】7.—how long do you think the terrible weather will __

—why not listen to the weather report?

a. appearb. lastc. changed. discover


2011陕西】28. my uncle called and asked me if i had the birthday gilt from him.

a. invented b. raised c. received d. ordered

c 【解析】考查点:本题考查动词的词义。 invented “发明”;raised “提高”;received “收到”;ordered “订购”。


2011陕西】30. anyone who sings well can the activity in our school. [a]

a. take part in b. take off c. take out d. take care of

a 考【解析】考查点:本题考查动词词组词义的辨析。 take part in“参加”;take off“起飞”;take out“取出;拿出”;take care of“照顾;照看”。


2011清远】30. i want to watch the basketball match. would you please __the tv?

a. turn on b. turn off c. turn down d. turn up

答案:a 解析】考查动词词组辨析。句意,我想看球赛,请打开电视。打开为turn on

2011清远】36. if you meet some new words, you can __in a dictionary.

a. look it up b. look up it c. look them up d. look up them

答案c解析】考查短语词组的使用。代替words用宾格them, 固定词组look up 后接宾格时只能放在中间。

2011广西百色】 raining he**ily outside. why don’t you __your raincoat?

a. put onb. to put onc. take offd. to take off

答案: a解析】本题考查短语辨析,put on“穿上”,take off“脱下”,“why don’t you+动词原形?”意思是“你为什么不……?


2011桂林)36. grandma is ill. i h**e toher at home.

a. look for b. look upc. look atd. look after

36. 答案:d

解析】动词短语辨析。look for意为“寻找”,look up意为“查阅”,look at意为“看”,look after意为“照顾”。根据句意“奶奶病了,我不得不在家照顾她”。


河北省2011】31. we'd better wait more minutes. i think jeff will come soon,a.

a few b. few c. a little d.


答案】a解析】考查词语辨析,minutes是可数复数名词,排除c和d,由“jeff will come soon”可知:前句用肯定形式。“我们最好多等几分钟”,用a few more minutes表示。

河北省2011】35. would you please my baby brother while i'm cooking?

a. take out of b. take care of c. take part in d. take away from

答案】b解析】考查词语辨析,由题意“我做饭的时候请你照顾好我的孩子好吗”可知:用take care of照顾;照看。take out of 带出去;take part in 参加;take away from从带走,均不符合题意。

河北省2011】37. this sentence right. please write it down.

a. feels b. sounds c. tastes d. smells


2011河南省】27. —mom, can i le**e my homework for tomorrow?

i'm afraid not. don't___what you can do today till tomorrow.

a. put on b. put down c. put up d. put off


put on穿上; put down放下 put up举起 put off推迟。从i'm afraid not.知mom不同意“我”把作业留到明天做。


2011黑龙江绥化市】()8. —which dress do you prefer?

the red one. it___more comfortable.

a. feels b. smells c, sounds

答案:a解析】感官动词的用法。句意“它摸起来更舒服” 柔软的感觉是通过摸的动作实现的。

2011黑龙江绥化市】()21. it's very hot here. why not your coat?

a. put on b. put off c. take off

答案:c解析】词义辨析。put on是“穿上”的意思;put off是“推迟”的意思;take off是“脱掉”的意思。根据情境:天气热,要脱掉上衣。

2011江苏徐州】4. i was so tired this morning that i couldn’t __early as usual.

a. get up b. get on c. get off d. give up

答案a解析】考查词语辨析。get up“起床”;get on上(车、船等);get off下(车、船等);give up“放弃”。由前半部分句意“今天早晨我太疲劳了”可知起床不可能早。


2011内蒙古包头】( we try our best, our dream willone day.

a. work outb. come truec. put upd. show off

30. 答案:b



2011哈尔滨】24. li na has won the championship in france tennis open. all the asiansher challenging sprint and excellent english.

a. are proud of b. take care of c. get along with

答案:a解析】考查动词短语辨析李娜获得冠军,全亚洲人为此感到骄傲,用are proud of.

2011呼和浩特】9. -three problems are too hard to . will you give me some advice?

---there are many ways. the mostt important is to h**e a careful plan.

a. work out b. look out c. hand out d. break out

答案】a解析】动词短语辨析work out算出,制定出;look out 当心,小心挑选出; hand out 分发,施舍;break out(战争、火灾等)爆发,(疾病的)突然发生。

2011呼和浩特】14. -do you take exercise every day?


中考英语。动词短语 单选专项训练。命题点一同一动词 不同介词 副词。look短语。1.almost every university now has a website which allows us tothe information about it.a.look at b.look after...

中考英语 动词分类及短语

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江西省南昌市青山湖区罗家一中。涂淑梅。对于初中英语学习者来说,动词是最难学的一个实词类别。纵观历届中考命题,有关动词的内容占的比例相当大,它常常与时态 语态,语境交流等诸方面结合起来进行综合测试。通过研读中考试题,我们会发现常考的英语动词有以下一些 一 使 让 概念的动词。2013重庆,38 he ...