
发布 2021-04-10 19:07:28 阅读 1154

28. 我和你不一样。i am different from you .

29. 我能知道你的名字吗(委婉的)?may i know your name?

30. 你的名字叫什么?what’s your name?

31. 就这么多,就说到这吧。that’s all .

32. 你辛苦了。thanks for your hard work .

33. 他们过着艰苦的生活。they h**e a hard time.

34. 你呢? how about you?/what about you?

35. 你好吗?how are you?/ how do you do?

36. 还可以。just so so.

37. 就一点儿just a little

38. 谁呀?who is that? /是我。 it’s me.

39. 我们之间结束了。we are over/i’m over you.

40. 我对你非常着迷。i’m all over you

41. 让我回家吧。let me go home.

42. 我不会让你失望的。i won’t let you down.

43. 别让我失望。don’t let me down.

44. 我将要去机场接你。i’ll meet you at the airport.

45. 我想学好英语。i want to study english well.

46. 我想周游世界。i want to tr**el all over the world.

47. 一会儿见。see you later.

48. 你真好!you are so nice!

49. 你有男朋友吗?do you h**e a boyfriend?

50. 我经常收到他的来信。i often hear from him.

51. 你能听到我说话吗?can you hear me?

52. 不是很糟糕。 not so bad.

53. 和平时没什么区别。same as always/same as usual .

54. 你过的怎么样?what’s up?

55. 你过的好吗? how’s everthing?

56. 见到你很高兴。nice to see you. /nice to meet you. /i am glad to meet you .

57. 我请客。it’s on me today./ it’s my treat./ be my guest .

58. 您先请。 after you .

59. 酒后吐真言in wine,there’s truth.

60. 去看电影。go to cinema./ see a film ./go to the movies

61. 这是公平的。it is fair. /这是不公平的。 it is unfair.

62. 你是个好人。 you are a good egg. /你是个坏人you are a bad egg.

63. 我善长做某事i am good at something./i am good at doing something

64. 烟鬼/酒鬼。he**y smoker. /he**y drinker

65. 逃课。cut class. /do you often cut class? 你经常逃课吗?

66. 你疯了?are you crazy/ are you mad?

67. 你傻呀。 are you out of your tree?

68. 我想找一个好工作。 i want to find a good job.

69. 看我 /别看我look at me . don’t look at me.

70. 我会说英语。i can speak english.

71. 你能借我一本书吗?can you lend a book to me?

72. 他向我借了一本书。he borrows a book from me.

73. 我们能从图书馆借到各种各样的书 we can borrow all kinds of books from the library.

74. 你经常锻炼吗? do you often exercise? /do you often work out?

75. 你想要什么? what do you want?

76. 你想做什么? what do you want to do?

77. 你想说什么? what do you want to say?

78. 零钱不用找了。 keep the change.

79. 保持联系。 keep in touch.

80. 你自己知道就行了。 keep it to yourself.

81. 玩的开心,过的愉快。 h**e a good time. /enjoy oneself .

82. 旅行愉快/用餐愉快。 enjoy your trip ./enjoy your meal.

83. 你空闲的时候经常做什么? what do you often do in your spare time?

84. 今天星期几。 what day is it today?

85. 我们在一三五有英语课 we h**e english classes on monday ,wednesday and friday.

86. 咱们回家吧 let’s go home.

87. 你在家吗? are you at home?

88. 他在家/他不在家。 he is at home. /he is not at home.

89. 他经常送我回家。 he often sees me home.

90. 别客气。 please make yourself at home.

91. 不关你的事。 it’s none of your business . mind your own business.

92. 公事公办。 business is business.

93. 我是上班族。 i’m an office worker.

94. 有你陪伴我很高兴。 i’m glad of your company.

95. 我们班有四十多人。 there are more than forty students in our class.

96. 我可以知道你的手机号码吗 may i know your cell phone number?

97. 你们谈论什么呢? what are you talking about?

98. 不要和我顶嘴。 don’t talk back to me.

99. 你是做什么工作的? what’s your job ?

/what do you do ? what do you do for a living ? what are you ?

100. 不好说。 i can’t say . it’s hard to say.

101. 我不得不走了。 i h**e to go. /i’ve got to go.

102. 你会开车吗。 can you drive?

103. 你的房间总是乱七八糟 your room is always at sixes and severs.

104. 你住哪?我住在… where do you live ? i live in……

105. 他以教书为生he lives by teaching.

106. 他们和父母住一起。/they live with their parents.

107. 还没睡呢still up ?

108. 你说的算。 it’s up to you .

109. 你经常熬夜吗/不要熬夜。 do you often stay up? /don’t stay up .

110. 几点了? what time is it? /what’s the time?

111. 时间还早呢? it’s still early.

112. 让我一个人呆会儿。 le**e me alone.

113. 别把我一人留在家 don’t le**e me at home.

114. 你啥感觉? what’s your feeling?

115. 我感觉不好 i feel very bad.

116. 我有同感 i feel the same way .

117. 我身体不舒服 i don’t feel well. /i’m not feeling well .

118. 我不在状态 i’m not myself.

119. 你什么意思 what do you mean?

120. 我很快就回来 i’ll be back soon.

121. 你能帮我吗 can you help me?

122. 我能帮助你吗 can i help you?

123. 请帮我一下 give me a hand please.

124. 我想攒钱买车 i want to s**e money to buy a car.

125. 我不得不走了 i h**e to go ./i’ve got to go.

126. 让我在睡会儿 please give me five more minutes.

127. 你多大了 how old are you? /i am../i am..years old.

128. 闭上眼睛,我要给你一个惊喜close your eyes. i want to give you a surprise .

129. 你太聪明(漂亮)了/how clever(beautiful)you are!

130. 我心满意足了 i’m on top of the world.

131. 他的学习成绩名列前茅 he is at the top of class.

132. 他是那家公司的主管 he is a top banana in that company.

133. 高端访谈 top talk.

134. 今天天气怎么样/今天。/how’s the weather today? /what’s the weather like today? /it’

135. 天气预报怎么说? what does the weather report say?

136. 万事开头难 everything is hard in the beginning.

137. 放聪明点吧/ 别傻了wise up.

138. 到谁了?whose turn?

139. 到我了/到你了it’s my turn / it’s your turn.

140. 天下着倾盆大雨 it’s raining cats and dogs.

141. 还不到六点 it’s not quite six o’clocek

142. 马上六点 it’s almost six o’clock.

143. 刚过六点 it’s just after six o’clock.

144. 你太重了,我抱不动你。 you are too he**y . i can’t pick you up.

145. 我六点钟接你 i will pick you up at six.


姓名设计 邓蔚然审稿 宗敏芬时间 10分钟 一。预习提纲。1.熟练掌握单词 camera,plane,radio,watch,mine,hers,theirs,ours,pear及其它单词 2.了解 h e,has 和 there be 句型的区别。1 h e,has 表示个人拥有eg.i h e ...


初一年级英语starter unit 8课前参与。姓名设计 邓蔚然审稿 宗敏芬时间 10分钟 一。预习提纲。1.熟练掌握单词 camera,plane,radio,watch,mine,hers,theirs,ours,pear及其它单词 2.了解 h e,has 和 there be 句型的区别。...


初一年级英语starter unit 8课前参与。姓名设计 邓蔚然审稿 宗敏芬时间 10分钟 一。预习提纲。1.熟练掌握单词 camera,plane,radio,watch,mine,hers,theirs,ours,pear及其它单词 2.了解 h e,has 和 there be 句型的区别。...