
发布 2021-04-10 18:09:28 阅读 6924



07年 ii.口语应用(15分)


a:the plane is late,isn’t it?

b:yes.it is.

a:76 b:no,i don't.i'm just a tourist.

a: 77

b:yes.i h**e been here three times.

a: 78b:mount gu.xichan temple,jiangbin park

and so on.

a:what do you think of fuzhea?

b:lt’s beautiful. 79

a:how do you like min food?

b:very much. 80 i must go


a.1 don't think so.

b.do you work here in fuzhou?

c.oh,here’s my plane at last.

d.what places h**e you been to?

e.how long h**e you stayed in fuzhou?

f.h**e you ever been here before?

g.great changes h**e taken place these years.


iii81.merry christmasa.spring.

82.hello!may i speak to linda,please? b.it doesn’t work.

83.which season do you iike best? c.the same to you.

84.what’s wreng with your bike,lucy? do it at once.

85.would you mind turning down the music? a moment,please.


a:hi,kate!are you free tomorrow afternoon?

b:yes.what’s up?

a:i 86 to a new apartment last week.would you 87 to come to my new home?

b:yes,i’d love to.but 88 can i get to your home?

a:walk along guangming road and turn 89 onto renmin road.you will see three tall buildirigs on your left,i live in apartment 905,building a.

b:0k.i’u be 90 at 2:00.

a:see you then.

b:see you.



a:hi, tony. 91

b:a lot of people were badly hurt in the wenchuan earthquake.

a: yes, i feel so sorry about that. 92

b:what shall we do?

a:93b:good idea! money must be a problem.

a:94b:we can also collect school things for the students there.

a:right! 95

are so kind.


d = doctorp = patient

d: what's the matter with 96young man?

p:i cough day and night. i can't sleep well.

d:let me see. open your 97___and say "ah".

p:is there anything wrong with my throat?

d:no, 98___serious. do you smoke?

p: yes, these days i am smoking a lot.

d:don't smoke too much. it may 99cancer.,p:i see. i'll try to give up smoking.

d: well, take this medicine three 100___a day and h**e a good rest. you'll be all right soon.

p: thank you very much.

d: you're welcome.

09年。i. 从ii栏中选出与i栏中每句话相对应的正确答语。(每小题1分,共5分)

iii96. is that ann speakinga. congratulations!

97. what does your teacher look likeb. sorry, she isn’t in right now.

98. i’m sorry for losing your penc. it doesn’t matter.

99. i’ve passed the english examd. all right. i’ll do it at once.

100. would you please turn down the musice. how are you doing?

f. she is tall with long hair.

g. she is friendly and easy-going.

ii. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)

a: hi, cindy. your handbag looks so nice. 101

b: online. it’s only 30 yuan.

a: 30 yuan online? 102 tell me how to do

it, please.

b: all right. that’s easy. just enter e-bay.

a: 103

b: well, first, you need to apply for (申请) a user’s

passport. next, go through the shopping list.

a: and then?

b: choose one you like. 104 you’ll receive it in a few days.

a: thank you! 105

iii. 用恰当的单词填空,完成对话。每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分)

a: our national day is coming. i’m looking forward to it.


英语在国际 往中扮演越来越重要的角色。已成为世界各国人民在文化交往和 往来中不可缺少的交流工具。然而运用英语进行沟通和交际的关键是熟练掌握英语口语。鉴于中国和西方文化及社会背景的巨大差异,说一口流利,地道的英语口语不是想象的那么容易。需要日积月累,有的放矢的训练包括借助教材,参考书籍,及多 等有效手...


新课标 对学生的口语交际能力有了明确的要求,即注意对象和场合,文明得体的进行交流 耐心专注的倾听,根据语境理解对方的观点和意图 在交流过程中,注意根据需要调整自己所要表达内容和方式,不断提高自己的应对能力 能就适当的话题作即席讲话,有自己的观点,有一定的说服力。口语交际的复习和考试应该紧紧的围绕这一...


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