
发布 2021-04-10 09:23:28 阅读 7940

hotel room reservation

1、基本常识(background information)

无论在中国还是西方国家,人员出差或出访,常常需要事先预订酒店一般的预订方式有**预订传真预订网上预订柜台预订等如遇节假日或特殊会议期间, 酒店**普遍紧张,应尽早预订其中最常用的预定方式通常为**预订。

2、接待**预订(make a phone call for room reservation)


time and departure time入住和离开时间。

type 房间类型。

of guests 客人数量。


name and telephone number姓名和**。

3、**预订步骤(the steps of ****** a phone call reservation)

willing to help 接听**问好。

can l help you? what can l do for you ?

how can l help you ? may l help you?

is there anything la can do for you ?

which time?什么时间。

when do you need the room? when do you check in?

how long will be staying ?

type 房型。

what kind of room do you want to reserve?(would you like)

标准间standard room 单人间single room

高级套房 superior room豪华套房deluxe room

行政套房 executive room **套房presidential room

how many rooms do you want to book?

a guest to wait for a minute(查房请对方稍等)

just a moment,please

of guests 客人数量。

how many guests will there be in your party?


what is the rate per night?

the current rate is $150 per night

600rmb per night per room,with breakfast(including)

name and telephone number姓名和**。

may l h**e your name ?telephone number

确定。you h**e made guaranteed reservation in beijing for.. you can not arrive at scheduled,please inform us before ..

words 欢送辞。

thank you for calling us.

thank you for choosing us for your service.

we are looking forward to your coming/serving you.


may i ..

could you ..

would you ..

shall i ..

1) 服务员自己要做什么事时,就使用may i ..

may i h**e your name, please?

2) 麻烦客人时,可使用could you ..

could you hold the line, please?

3) 询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用would you ..

would you like to book a double room?

4) 在提供建议协助征求意见时,可使用shall i ..或would you like me to do ..

shall i make the reservation for you?


假设你是北京天天酒店的预订员简接到了一位客户从大连打来的**,他将一个人驾车来北京休闲旅游(leisure tr**el),要预订一间豪华单人间,并先用信用卡保证预订(credit card guaranteed reservation)请你和你的同学模拟对话中的角色,准备对话,然后在班上进行口头表演要求含有订房的四大要素。


hotel room reservation 1 基本常识 background information 无论在中国还是西方国家,人员出差或出访,常常需要事先预订酒店一般的预订方式有 预订传真预订网上预订柜台预订等如遇节假日或特殊会议期间,酒店 普遍紧张,应尽早预订其中最常用的预定方式通常为 预订。...


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