
发布 2021-03-30 05:17:28 阅读 1524












1. a. i don’t h**e an eraser. b. this is my brotherc. my sister’s name is tina.

2. a. do you like ice-cream?

b. is she drinking coffeec. does he exercise every day?

3. a. we take a walk after dinner.

b. my birthday is in april. c.

they need a tape player.

4. a. where is your schoolbag?

b. when is your class? c.

how was your school trip?

5. a. here is a letter for you.

b. nice to see you again. c.

let’s buy some vegetables.


6. a. bc.

7. abc.

8. abc.

9. abc.

10. abc.


11. a. to take care of her cat.

b. to take care of her dog. c.

to take care of her bird.

12. a. he has a stomachacheb. he hurt his legs. c. he has a heart problem.

13. a. at 5:40. b. at 7:30. c. at 9:20.

14. a. it’s coldb. it’s warmc. it’s hot.

15. a. go to a piano lesson. b. study for a testc. go to a party.


16. a. by car. b. by train. c. by plane.

17. a. in the hotel. b. at a restaurant. c. at her friend’s home.

18. a. to a park. b. to a farm. c. to a factory.

19. a. they played football.

b. they picked strawberries. c.

they milked the cows.

20. a. on saturday afternoon. b. on saturday morning. c. on sunday afternoon.


21. john can’t find his newpen/.

a. pet b. pay c. pen d. hen

22. my mother usually rides abak/ to work.

a. book b. back c. bank d. bike

23. mary sang three songs at the school

a. show b. rulec. snow d. share

24. i must clean the living room. it’s veryd:ti/.

a. baby b. busyc. tidy d. dirty

25. he wants to be ar'p:t/ when he grows up.

a. villager b. reporter c. remember d. typical


26. —do you like green?

yes, i do. it’s my f**orite

a. food b. fruit c. color d. sport

27. —what do you eat for lunch?

—i usually eathamburger.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

28. that boy is not tony. tony isand he has a big nose.

a. dryb. long c. thick d. thin

29. —mom, where’s my ruler?

—isin your desk?

a. it b. hec. she d. her

30did you go on vacation?

—i went to my hometown.

what d. where

31. kate is not at home. she is readingthe library.

a. to b. in c. on d. under

32. —i’d like somehow about you?

—i’d like some orange juice.

a. tea b. pear c. carrot d. tomato

33. —excuse me, mr. king. are you from australia?

yes, ii’m from sydney.

a. dob. amc. is d. are

34. it’s terrible weatheri believe they will arrive on time.

a. if b. so c. but d. because

35. my aunt has four children. she has a son anddaughters.


九年级英语组 xxx 通过自己认真完成15套中考试题来看,历年中考试题难度比例基本是5 4 1。试题没有超出教学大纲,符合教学大纲的要求,试题紧扣课本,贴近教材,贴近生活。基本上是学什么考什么,并且注意语言应用的考查技巧。语言考查生活化,情感化,人性化并且有教育意义。一 听力部分。从卷面上来看,听力...


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