dear sir:
it is my pleasure to recommend mr. fu-ping wang for his applicationto graduate studies in your school.
mr. wang has been my research assistant of the national sciencecouncil's project “the united states and the united nations' financialcrisis: the role of congress" since september 1997.
his majorresponsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely highpotentiality. mr. wang is not only quick at learning and good at solvingdifficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him toeffectively analyze difficulties.
all the work handed to him was completedsatisfactorily. actually, he is so reliable that i assign him with he**yresponsibilities. with his help, i h**e been able to spend more time in
writing the research *****. i really consider myself very fortunate to h**esuch a capable assistant.
i am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence andpleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in hisfuture academic pursuits. i strongly recommend his admission without anyreservation.
sincerely yours,chung wei-kuo
research fellow and professor
the institute of european and american studies
academia sinica
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