2024年中考英语 传统文化中考英语作文

发布 2021-03-04 11:11:28 阅读 4606







提示词语:spring festival, traditional, decorate, on the eve of thefestival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money


参考范文。dear mike,how are you? i'm really glad that you are interested intraditional chinese festivals.

there are many traditional festivalsin china, such as spring festival, mid-autumn day and so 'd like to introduce the spring festival to you.

spring festival is the most important traditional holidayin china. it usually lasts for 15 days. days before the festival,people clean their houses.

they think cleaning sweeps any badluck. they decorate their houses with ***** cuts. on the eve ofthefestival, they watch the spring festival gala on tv.

at midnight, kids get lucky money from old people. people visit theirrelativesand friends. they wish one another a happy year andgood luck.

how happy we are.

best wishes!

yours,liu wei


2024年中考 文化

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