
发布 2021-03-02 15:10:28 阅读 1011

unit 4: colour it green

一、 认读下列单词。

white pink green black red yellow purple blue


like what which this ask answer say chair harp


write girl big small sit play orange indigo doll


colour read door dog it


二、 按指令给图画涂色。

colour the harp orange. colour the cat yellow .

colour the dog black. colour the doll purple.

colour the door green. colour the moon yellow.

colour the sun red. colour the pen purple.

colour the flower blue. colour the ruler green.

三、 对话练习。

1. what’s this? it’s a harp.

2. what’s this? it’s a chair.

3. what colour do you like? green .

4. which is the blue duck? this is the blue duck.

5. the girl is sitting on the chair.

6. she is playing the harp.

unit 4: colour it green

四、 认读下列单词。

white pink green black red yellow purple blue


like what which this ask answer say chair harp


write girl big small sit play orange indigo doll


colour read door dog it


五、 按指令给图画涂色。

colour the harp orange. colour the cat yellow .

colour the dog black. colour the doll purple.

colour the door green. colour the moon yellow.

colour the sun red. colour the pen purple.

colour the flower blue. colour the ruler green.

六、 对话练习。

1. what’s this? it’s a harp.

2. what’s this? it’s a chair.

3. what colour do you like? green .

4. which is the blue duck? this is the blue duck.

5. the girl is sitting on the chair.

6. she is playing the harp.

unit 5: let’s play.

一、 认读下列单词。

stand word circle children two one school little


h**e you i four six eight ten five three bee


feet see tree learn whale behind ship sail has play


二、 能按指令做动作。

1. stand in two lines. stand in a line. turn left. turn right.

2. hold your hands and stand in a circle.

3. hands up. hands right. hands left. hands down.

三、 会读下列词组。

1. stand in a circle 2. turn right

3. go to school 4. see a big man

5. plant many trees 6. stand at the door

7. behind the whale 8. behind the flower

9. behind the teacher 10. four boys

四、 会读下列句子。

1. you h**e a chair. i h**e a table.

2. you h**e a harp. i h**e a doll.

3. i h**e a black dog. you h**e a white cat.

4. six little children plant many trees.

unit 4: colour it green

七、 认读下列单词。

white pink green black red yellow purple blue


like what which this ask answer say chair harp


write girl big small sit play orange indigo doll


colour read door dog it


八、 按指令给图画涂色。

colour the harp orange. colour the cat yellow .

colour the dog black. colour the doll purple.

colour the door green. colour the moon yellow.

colour the sun red. colour the pen purple.

colour the flower blue. colour the ruler green.

九、 对话练习。

1. what’s this? it’s a harp.

2. what’s this? it’s a chair.

3. what colour do you like? green .

4. which is the blue duck? this is the blue duck.

5. the girl is sitting on the chair.

6. she is playing the harp.

unit 4: colour it green

一十、 认读下列单词。

white pink green black red yellow purple blue


like what which this ask answer say chair harp


write girl big small sit play orange indigo doll


colour read door dog it


一十一、 按指令给图画涂色。

colour the harp orange. colour the cat yellow .

colour the dog black. colour the doll purple.

colour the door green. colour the moon yellow.


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