高考英语语法精练精析 省略句

发布 2021-02-22 15:13:28 阅读 7587


省略旬。1. you’d better __in the room.

a. not to smokeb. not smokec. don’t smoked. not smoking

答:b。had better do / not do接省去to的不定式。2. i’d rather __there alone.

a. to gob. goingc.

god. went答:c。

would rather后接省去to的不定式。3. he would rather die thana.

giving inb. give inc. to give ind.

g**e in

答:b。would rather...


—would you like to go with usbut i’m busy i’d loveb. i’d love toc. i loved.

i’d like




2.保留to,to后的动词省略,如i’d love to/i’d like to/i’m going to/try to/mean to/plan to/hope to/wish to.

5.—do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?—_

a. i don’t believeb. i don’t believe itc. i believe not sod. i believe not

答:d。do you think (believe, suppose, expect) .

等句式的肯定回答是i think (believe,expect, suppose) so。其否定回答形式是i think (believe, expect, suppose) not.或i don’t (think,expect, suppose) so。

6.—1’11 be away on a business trip. would you mind looking after my garden?—not at all

a. i’ve no timeb. i’d rather notc. i’d like itd. i’d be happy to

答:d。此题考查不定式的省略。to保留,to后的动词省略。7. whygo with us?

a. not tob. don’tc. notd. not you


why not go相当于why don’t you go.8. the boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told hima.

not tob. not to doc. not do itd.

do not to

答:a。to保留,to后的动词省略。9.—are you a student?—no, but i___a. used tob. used

c. used to bed. used to was答:

c。used to也是不定式省略的一种形式,如do you often go there? no, but i used to.




10.—do you think you’ll get a pay rise next year

a. i hope sob. i’m afraid soc.

i believe not sod. who says it答:a。

i hope so.我希望如此。11.

—did your team lose the game?

___our players didn’t play so well as they i’m afraid sob. 1 don’t think soc. i believe notd.

i hope so答:a。其他选项与句童不符。

12.—i’m sorry, but were you speaking to me?—yes.

would you please __in this room?a. don’t smokeb.

not to smokec. not smoked. not smoking

答:c。would you please后接省去to的不定式。13.—do you think we’ll tell him the bad news

a. i don’t hope sob. i hope notc.

i think it not sod. i think it not答:b。

hope和guess等词在肯定答语中常说i hope (guess)so。否定答语常说i hope (guess)not。但不能说i don’t hope (guess) so。

14.—h**e you got the book?

nobut i didn’t get i triedb. i tried toc. i tried to get d. i tried it

答:b。to保留,其后的动词省略。15.—don’t you h**e lunch at schoolbut i used to.

a. yes, i h**eb. yes, i doc. no, 1 h**en’td. no, i don’t

答:d。but i used to相当于i used to h**e lunch at school的省略式,由此可判断d项。


16. i’m not into classical neither areb. nor arec. so ared. either are


17. if he doesn’t want to go therea. neither do ib.

nor do ic. neither shall 1d. so i


18i’ll go there myself~a. if necessaryb. being necessary



c. being possibled. uless it is necessary

答:a.d项与句童不符.a项是常见的省略形式,if possible (necessary)等,相当于ifit is necessary (possible)如果必要(可能)的情况下。

19. he wears the same coatthey look as youb. than youc. that youd. like you

答:a.as you相当于as you wear。引导的是定语从句。the same...that一般指同一件东西。d项与the same不符。

20. he doesn’t speak english as often___a. like othersb.

than othersc. as othersd. that others

答:c.as...as...句型可用于肯定和否定句,否定句中还可用。as ..21you should keep it a if askingb. if asked

c. if to askd. if being asking

答:b。连词接分词相当于状语从句,此句相当于if you were asked ..22.—_are they staying here?—two weeks.

a. how longb. how soonc. how oftend. how far

答:a.two weeks是简略答语,相当于they are staying here for two weeks。how long多久;how soon过多久能完成,多快(指时间);how often提问频率;how far多远。

23. i’ll do all i can___helpb. to helpc. helpingd. to helping


24. who is the man teacher___a. you spoke tob.

spoke to youc. you spoked. whom you spoke


此项中省去了whom。25. china has a larger population than___a.

that of japanb. japan

c. in japand. population of japan

答:b.在比较状语从句中常省去和前边相同的部分.b项相当于than japan has。



省略句定义 为了使语言简洁或避免重复,要省略句中的一个或几个成分,这种语法现象称之为省略。英语中省略现象较为普遍,对省略的考查已成为高考中的热点。句子成分的省略,可分为以下几种情况 1.省略主语,主谓语或主谓的一部分。2.不定式符号to的省略。3.不定式结构中动词的省略。4.状语从句中的省略。5.定...


省略句。定义 为了使语言简洁或避免重复,要省略句中的一个或几个成分,这种语法现象称之为省略。其实在初中的时候我们已经遇到很多省略了,看一些这些句子,你还记得这里面省略吗?yesterday,i went to my uncle s.省略常见情形 1,在有and连接的句子中为了避免重复,长省略一些重复...

英语语法 省略与省略句

在口语和书面语中,为了省事,或者为了达到简洁的效果,人们通常会把某些词省略。如 jams?no.maybe nothing today,bill.if you say you re thinking about taking up almost any sport,the first thing t...