
发布 2021-02-22 15:21:28 阅读 9392

省略。语法点1 简单句中的省略。

特点:1. 名词所有格所修饰的名词,若表示住宅,店铺,数学或上文已经暗示或者确指出错过的事物时, 常常可以省略。

2. 在以what, how开头的感叹句中,常常可以省略句子的主语it和连系动词be.

3. 如果主语是all one can do, the first (only) thing to do, what one does to do 等形式,作表语的动词不定式用来说明上文do的内容时, 不定式符号to可以省略,可以不省略。

4. 在前面出现过的动词在下文再次出现时,可以单独使用动词不定式to, 表示省略了一个不定式结构。

5. 在独立结构中h**e和h**ing beening可以省略。

6. 祈使句通常省略主语you.

7. 感叹句,部分文句。部分第一人称陈述句常有省略成分。

8. 用so, not或者其他手段来代替上文或问句中的一部分或整个句意。

9. 在某些动作后的宾语补足语中可以将to be 省略。

例如。i had managed to get the job at my uncle’s (store).


we can meet at tom’s. 我们可以在汤姆家见面。

i’m thinking of going to the barber’s.我在考虑要去理发店。

what a wonderful victory (it si ) for me!

all you h**e to do is (to ) go back to work.

will you play with them?你和他们一道玩吗?

well, i’d love to ( play with them). 唔,我想和他们一道玩。

the work (h**ing been) done, they went home one after another.


what next?下一步怎么办?

why so? 为什么这样呢?

how come?怎么回事?

glad to see you. 很高兴见到你。

sorry, the line is busy. 对不起,占线了。

can he do this work?他能做这件工作吗?

i think so. (i think he dan do this work.).我想他行。

can you do this work? 你能做这件工作吗?

i am afraid not. 我怕不能。

the film is thought (to be) very valuable. 人们认为这部影片很有价值。

they found the answer (to be)correct. 他们认为答案是正确的。

语法点2 并列句中的省略。

特点。1. 在并列句中,第二分句(或第三,四分句)往往可以省略与前句相同的一些成分。

2. 有的并列句的省略部分在前面的分句中,看完最后一个分句才能掌握全句的完整意义。

例如。jim came in september but bob (came) in october. 吉姆是九月来的,但是鲍勃是十月来的。

bob works (in shanghai), and peter lives, in shanghai.鲍勃在上海工作,而彼得住在上海。

he often regards english as easy and (he often regards) gapanese as difficult.他常把英语看做是容易学的,而日语是难学的。

this happened and (it was) a good thing ,too, for it helped us to find out our own shortcomings.


in our class,boys like sports, while girls do not (like sports).


语法点3 复合句中的省略。

特点。1. 在时间、条件、让步状语从句(即由when,while, as, if, till, unless等引导的从句)中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同,或者是it,从句中谓语动词又含有 be的某一种形式时,可省略从句中的主语或it .

2. 在比较状语从句或用as, as if引导的方式状语从句中,与主句相同的一些成分常常可以省略,在比较状语从句中,当不同的主语进行比较时,一般省略谓语部分,当同一个主语就某一方面进行比较时从句的主语和谓语都可以省略,只是保留比较部分。

3. 在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词常常省略;作状语的关系副词when, why ,where也可以省去不用。

4. 关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,常常省略。

5. 由there be 结构作定语时,常常省略作主语的关系代词。

6. 当wh-疑问从句是一种间接疑问句,并用作宾语时,如果它的内容与上文重复,可以全部省略wh- 疑问从句,只保留一个wh-疑问词,使语言文字简洁明快。

7. 在know, think, consider, suppose, find, believe, say,decide等动词后面所接的宾语从句中常省略连词that.

8. “the+比较级…….the+比较级……”结构中可以省略be/ there be.

9. 某些动词在接that从句时不用与之搭配的介词。

10. 用to表示前述动词不定式时常省略其后的有关成分。

11. 在某些虚拟语气的句子中可以省略should.

12. 在用so +that 连词的从句中常省略 so / that.

列如。he will not come unless ( he is )invited.除非邀请他才肯来。

though ( he is) young, he is experirenced.


the girl looked as if ( she were) afraid of nothing.


this was the first time (when) he had serious trouble with his wife.


that’s the very reason (why) i want to help you.


this is the place (where) the accident happened yesterday.


people said he was everything (that)a lawyer should be.


you ought to supply the deficiencies (which) there are in your former novel.


someone has taken my handbay by mistake. i don't know who (took it).

有人错拿了我的手提包, 我不知道是谁。

i believe (that) he will pass the national college entrance examination.


in studying english, the more practice (there is), the better it is ).


we insist (upon it) that the old doctors h**e rich experience in practice.


we agree that it was a mistake. 我们一致认为,这是一个错误。

nothig has ever stopped him from sleeping when he wants to (sleep).


you may go home if you like (to).你如果想回家就可以回家。

i suggest that he (should ) study more english before going to america.


something may be wrong (so) that the machine has stopped running.


we are very tired, (so) that we had better h**e a rest. 我们很累,所以还是休息吧。

语法点4 特殊的省略结构。

特点。1. 无助词祈使句、无主句祝愿句或不定式感叹句。

1)祈使句一般是以动词开头,而无动词祈使句是以away, off, on,up, down等表示运动方向的副词开头加上由with引导的介词词组。

2)用if only引导的条件分句表示祈祷祝愿句中,有时if 和only还可以被割开。

3)不定式感叹句通常是由“to think+that分句”或“to think +宾语”构成。

2. 用在固定句型中:

1) how / what about +名词。

2) what +if / though从句。

3) why (no) +不定式。

4) how come +that分句。

例如。no parking! 禁止停车!

to thingk you are so foolish! 想不到你这么愚蠢!

how about some more tea? 再来点茶怎么样?

if only i had taken mother’s advice! 我要是听了母亲的劝告就好了!

if i had only been there when the show was on! 演出开始时我要是在就好了。

to think that in jusr a few days we’ll be partin!过几天我们就要分别了。


省略句定义 为了使语言简洁或避免重复,要省略句中的一个或几个成分,这种语法现象称之为省略。英语中省略现象较为普遍,对省略的考查已成为高考中的热点。句子成分的省略,可分为以下几种情况 1.省略主语,主谓语或主谓的一部分。2.不定式符号to的省略。3.不定式结构中动词的省略。4.状语从句中的省略。5.定...


省略句。定义 为了使语言简洁或避免重复,要省略句中的一个或几个成分,这种语法现象称之为省略。其实在初中的时候我们已经遇到很多省略了,看一些这些句子,你还记得这里面省略吗?yesterday,i went to my uncle s.省略常见情形 1,在有and连接的句子中为了避免重复,长省略一些重复...

英语语法 省略与省略句

在口语和书面语中,为了省事,或者为了达到简洁的效果,人们通常会把某些词省略。如 jams?no.maybe nothing today,bill.if you say you re thinking about taking up almost any sport,the first thing t...