高考英语省略句常见的陷阱题型 二

发布 2021-02-22 15:12:28 阅读 9466


1. —who has eaten all the cake, jim?

ohmust your two pet dogs.

a. itb. theyc. thatd. which

分析】许多学生可能认为此题应选b,因为其后的your two pet dogs为复数。但实际上,此题的最佳答案就是a,此句实为强调句型it must be your pet dogs that h**e eaten all the cake 的省略形式。

2. if you are planning to spend your money h**ing fun this week, better __it—you’ve got some big bills coming.

a. forgetb. forgotc. forgettingd. to forget

分析】此题最佳答案为a。考查had better后接动词原形的用法。但是考题中将you had better这一结构省略成better,致使许多同学一时看不出来。又如:

better go with him. 最好同他一起去。

better h**e the operation right now. 你最好还是现在就动手术。

3. why __skating there with us this afternoon?

a. don’t gob. not to goc. not god. go not

分析】许多学生会认为否定式须在go前加助动词及否定词或在不定式的小品词to前加否定词,从而将答案误选为 a 或b。其实,此题答案应该选c。当询问情况、提出建议或征求意见时,人们通常将why don’t you do… 省略成why not do…,故答案选 c。



while (he was) waiting, he saw jim pass by. 他在等时见到吉姆路过。

he opened his mouth as if (he was) to speak. 他张开口好像要说话似的。

often she would weep when (she was) alone. 她一个人时,常常哭泣。

i’d like to see you whenever (it’s) convenient. 你方便时我想来看看你。

有些由if构成的省略结构,已属固定短语,如if any, if necessary, if possible, if not, if so。如:

there are few, if any, mistakes in that book. 那本书就是有错误也不多。

if necessary, ring me at home. 如果必要,可以打**到我家找我。

if possible, i wish to come next time. 如果可能,我希望下次能来。

he may be busy. if so, i’ll call later. if not, can i see him now?



1. he is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until __to.

a. spoken b. speaking c. speak d. be spoken

分析】此题容易误选b,认为until 是介词,后接动词时用动名词形式。其实,此题应选a,until spoken to 为 until he is spoken to 之省略。句意为“他是个沉默寡言的人,别人不同他说话,他很少同别人说话”。

2. if carefully __the experiment will be successful.

a. dob. doesc. done d. doing

分析】答案选c,为 if it is carefully done 之省略。

3. the research is so designed that once __nothing can be done to change it.

a. begins b. h**ing begun c. beginning d. begun

分析】答案选d,为 once it is begun 之省略。


省略句。为了使讲话和行文简洁,句中某些成分有时可省略。省略可分以下几种情况 一 简单句中的省略。1 省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略。其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。i thank you for your help.括号内为省略的词语,下同 i see you tomorrow.it doesn ...


词法上的省略名词所有格后修饰的名词在以下情况可以省略。如果名词所有格修饰的名词在前文已出现,则可以省略。名词所有格后修饰的名词如果是指商店 住宅等地点时,这些名词也常常省略。these are john s books and those are mary s books 这些是约翰的书,那些是玛丽...

高考英语名师手记 省略句

一。考纲要求。按照考试大纲的要求,考生应掌握英语省略的一些基本原则,在行文中正确地使用省略。二。命题导向。近年的高考试题主要考查定语从句 宾语从句 状语从句 简单句中和交际语境中的省略。三。复习要点。1.在并列句中,为了避免与第一个分句的相同内容重复,可采用省略谓语,而保留主语和表语或补足语等成分。...