
发布 2021-02-21 15:17:28 阅读 8627


记叙文。1. 命题形式:提纲式,图画式。

2. 人称:第一人称(写自己的经历);第三人称(写他人的经理)

3. 时态:过去时为主(记叙的事情发生在过去)。

说明文。1. 命题形式:图表式,图画式,提纲式。

2. 人称:第三人称。

3. 时态:一般现在时为主。

议**。1. 题形式:**式,提纲式。

2. 人称:第三人称、第一人称。

3. 时态:一般现在时为主。

4. 通常以三段式的形式来议论,如:一些同学认为……,另一些同学认为……;你的观点…..某事物的优点……;某事物的缺点……;你的看法……。

应用文。一) 普通书信。

1. 人称:第一人称。

2. 时态:一般现在时为主。

3. 称呼:自成一行,顶格写,dear……,正文:与dear后第一个词对齐,去信开头语:

i’m glad to learn that…..i’m writing to tell you that……,回信开头语how nice to hear from you./ thank you for your last letter about asking……

结束语:i’m looking forward to your reply./thanks and all the best.

/wishing you a pleasant journey.

yours sincerely/truly…

sincerely yours…


1. 人称:第一人称。

2. 时态:一般现在时。

3. 内容应包括三部分:

1) 目的:直截了当在信的开头提出(i’m quite interested in ……i’m glad to learn that …,i’ve read the advertisement in the news***** that…)

2) 自我介绍:(不要过谦)

3) 提出期望:i’m looking forward to your reply.

三)日记。1. 格式:左上角:日期,星期几,右上角:天气情况:sunny/fine/rainy/windy/cloudy/snowy/

2. 时态::一般过去时(发表议论或感想时可用现在时)

3. 人称::第一人称。

四)通知。1. 书面通知格式:


the students union


boys and girls, /ladies and gentlemen,may i h**e your attention please? i h**e an announcement to make.

that’s all. thanks for listening.


1. 表递进。

besides, what’s more, let alone, worse still, moreover, even, furthermore, to make matters worse, on one hand…,on the other hand .

2. 表解释、说明。

that is(to say), in other words, or, for, actually, in fact, in this case.

3. 表转折。

however, but, yet, although, otherwise, instead, on the contrary, while, at the same time

4. 表列举。

firstly…secondly…finally, for example/instance, such as, take…for example, as follows, and so on, like.

5. 表因果。

because, since, therefore, thus, because of, as a result, as a result of, thanks to, due to, one reason is that…, another reason is that… .

6. 表让步。

though, although, in spite of, despite, even if, even though, what/who/when/where_ever, no matter what/who/when/where

7. 表顺序。

first…next…and then…finally; first…then…after that…finally.

8. 表并列。

and, or, also, as well as, too, neither…nor…; either…or…;not only…but also…; not…but… .

9. 表时间。

afterwards, soon, later, the moment, hardly…when…; no sooner…than…; first, then, later, in the end; finally, at last, since then, immediately, suddenly, soon.

10. 表总结。

in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in short, in brief, on the whole, in general speaking, as i h**e shown, as has been stated

11. 表见解。

in my opinion, personally speaking, as far as i’m concerned

12. 表条件。

if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that… .

13. 表目的。

for this reason, for this purpose, so that.


in the same way, just like, just as.


1. 20年前,唐山发生一场可怕的**。

1)a terrible earthquake happened in tangshan 20 years ago.

2) a terrible earthquake struck/hit tangshan 20 years ago.


1)i suddenly had a good idea.

2) a good idea occurred to me.


1) because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.

2)thanks to the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.

4. 我们将尽力保护我们的环境。

1)we will try our best to protect our environment.

2)we will spare no effort to protect our environment.


1) our school is at the foot of the hill

2) our school is located at the foot of the hill



1. 她满眼含泪,但他没注意到。

1) her eyes were filled with tears. he didn’t notice it.

2) tears appeared in her eyes, but he didn’t notice it.

3) he didn’t notice the fact that tears appeared in her eyes.


1)please start early. you can get there in time.

2)start early, and you can get there in time./start early, or you can’t get there in time.

3)you can’t get there in time unless you start early.


1) he is a learned person. we all admire him very much.

3)he is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.


1)jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes. its water is clear and looks colourful.

3)jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colourful.


1. 有人看到他正在书房里努力学习。

1) someone saw him studying hard in his study.

2) he was seen studying hard in his study.


作者 罗静党秋芳。课程教育研究 学法教法研究 2016年第16期。中图分类号 g4 文献标识码 a 文章编号 2095 3089 2016 16 0207 01 一 话题作文。话题作文是一种根据提供的材料和提示语提供思考的范围和方向,要求作者围绕这个 话题 进行写作的作文命题形式。话题作文以 题目自...


一 话题作文。话题作文是一种根据提供的材料和提示语提供思考的范围和方向,要求作者围绕这个 话题 进行写作的作文命题形式。话题作文以 题目自拟,立意自定,文体自选 的新形式,使考生的创作个性得到展现,优势得到发挥,才干得以施展 同时,高一级的学校所需要的能够写不同文体的学生也能够在话题作文这种考试形式...

