翻译1 30句

发布 2021-02-10 04:55:28 阅读 1544

请选择以下三种简单句句型(主谓状/主谓宾/主系表)和两种时态(一般现在时/一般过去时) 翻译下列句子。

1. 我们在森林里到处寻找食物。(hunt)

2. 我们要学会把理论运用到实践中去。(apply )

3. 你的建议对我有很大帮助。(value)

4. 他因为缺乏经验失败了。(lack n.)

5. 广泛的阅读可以使你受益匪浅。(benefit v.)

6. 这个地方在20世纪80年代初发展成一个旅游胜地。(develop)

7. 她把她的全部时间和精力用于帮助有困难的人。(devote)

8. 这本书值得一看。(worth)

9. 他用一个很有创意的方法成功地解决了那个问题。(manage)

10. 你们需要一个适当的方法去学习英语。(proper)

11. 人们对这些举措作出积极的反应。(react)

12. ***的课总是很生动有趣。(vivid)

13. 从那以后,他更加努力提高英语水平。(improve)

14. 2023年5月12日,一场大**突然袭击四川。(strike)

15. 他的政治生涯是在2023年开始的。(career)

16. 经常锻炼有益身体健康。(regular)

17. 我们都希望能在人生道路上大有成就。(success)

18. 我们仍有足够的时间。(plenty)

19. 学生们可以通过做兼职获得宝贵的经验。(gain)

20. 这样的书现在很受年轻人的欢迎。(popular)

21. 昨天我们就“美”这一主题进行了讨论。(theme)

22. 老实说,你们的想法并不切合实际。(practical)

23. 很多学生可以获得父母的奖赏。(reward)

24. 他今天没有上学。(absent)

25. 在我们办公室里不允许抽烟。(allow)

26. 健康靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。(depend)

27. 他七十多岁了,身体还很好。(condition)

28. 幸好他全家人在这次**中都幸存下来了。(survive)

29. 在那种糟糕的形势下,谁也不能保证你的安全。(guarantee)

30. 要构筑一个和谐的社会,我们需要的不仅仅是金钱。(require)

参***:1. we hunted everywhere for food in the forest.

2. we should learn to apply theory to practice.

3. your advice is of great value to me.

4. he failed because of his lack of experience.

5. you can benefit a lot from extensive reading.

6. this place developed into a tourist attraction in the early 1980s.

7. she devoted all her time and energy to helping people in trouble.

8. this book is worth reading.

9. he managed to solve the problem in a very creative way.

10. you need a proper way to learn english.

11. people reacted positively to these measures.

12. mr. li’s classes are always vivid and interesting.

13. from then on, he studied harder to improve his english.

14. a big earthquake suddenly struck sichuan on may 12, 2008.

15. his political career began in 1999.

16. regular exercise is good for health.

17. we all hope to achieve great success in life.

18. we still h**e plenty of time.

19. students can gain valuable experience by doing part-time jobs.

20. such books are very popular among/with the young.

21. yesterday, we had a discussion on the theme of beauty.

22. to be honest, your ideas are not practical.

23. many students can get rewards from their parents.

24. he was absent from school today.

25. we don’t allow smoking in our office.

26. health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.

27. he is still in very good condition in his seventies.

28. fortunately, his whole family survived the earthquake.

29. in such a terrible situation, no one can guarantee your safety.

30. we require more than money to construct a harmonious society.


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