口语 2019句

发布 2021-02-10 04:53:28 阅读 8049

1. habit is second nature.习惯成自然。

2. i hate/loathe/detest you.我讨厌你。(你会说几个?呵呵)

3. you're a jerk! 你是个废物!

4. we are very very pissed off! 我们非常的不满。

5. can you just give me a ballpark figure?能不能给我大概的数字

6. i'm calling to check my order status.我打**查询我的订单情况

7. in the middle of something?正在忙吗?

8. what are you up to?你在做什么?

9. put up or shut up.要么行动要么闭嘴。

10. you want to step outside?想到外去单挑吗?

11. i'm so fed up with your bs. cut the crap.我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧。(bs=bull****)

12. what on earth happened?到底发生什么事了?(on earth是到底的意思)

13. the things you own, end up owning you. it's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.


1. miss scott's latest film is once topping the charts. scott小姐的新片再次雄踞票房榜首

2. the play was very well reviewed.这出戏得到很好的评价

3. i hear this book sell like hot cakes.我听说这书现在很畅销

4. that book is really not great.那本书确实不怎么样(书的内容用great就能表达了)

5. surreal but nice.超现实但很棒(诺丁山中男主角见到喜欢的女孩后所发出的一句感慨)

6. i'm sorry, can you just give me a second?抱歉,失陪一下。(谈话中突然有其他事要去处理)

7. profit from major sales push.利润来自廉价**

8. so this is where i spend my days and years这就是我日复一日生活的地方

9. get your hands off!把你的手拿开(当有男生想对你动手动脚时可以说这句哦)

10. shelly just called in sick. shelly请病假。

11. i am only a regular 9-to5er.我是一名朝九晚五的上班族(感觉有点自嘲的味道)

12. she is a knock-out.(she is cute as hell) 她是美人

13. i couldn't sleep, i couldn't sleep. everything is far away.

with insomnia, nothing's real. everything is copy of a copy of a copy.我睡不着,一切都那么遥远。


1. well, fire away!请提问吧(特别是采访的时候。我们可能只知道是**、射击的意思哦)

2. i'm a complete moron.我是个十足的笨蛋

3. i absolutely, totally and utterly adore you. 我是十足地、完全地、彻底地崇拜你(一下子这么多副词,听话者一定很高兴了)

4. everything is at sixes and sevens in the house.房屋里乱七八糟的。(乱七八糟居然这么说)

5. i am all over you.我迷恋你

6. i am over you.我和你完了

7. don't nag me.别在我面前唠

8. le**e me alone.走开(这句说的多么文雅)

9. you are a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼

10. i h**e had enough of garbage.我听腻了你的废话

11. look at this mess.看看这烂摊子

12. can't you do anything right.成事不足败事有余

13. mind your own business.管好你自己的事

14. don't give me your ****.别跟我胡扯。

15. and don't forget, i'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. you love her, please don't be hesitate, hold her in your arms immediately.


1. may i speak with you privately please?我能私下和你谈话吗

2. what the hell is going on here?这儿到底发生什么了

3. don't get cocky.别太狂妄了

4. are you barking mad?你疯了吗?

5. where are you off to? 你要去**

6. the cat made a spring at the mouse.猫向老鼠扑去

7. don't be silly.别傻了

8. he says one thing and then he goes and does another.他总是说一套做一套

9. he's got the attention span of a hummingbird.他注意力总是那么不集中

10. sort this by size.将这些按大小分类

11. the point is***关键是。。。这句话电影中经常见到)

12. the lyrics are fine, the music needs a little work.歌词差不多了,曲子还得琢磨下

13. fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. a strong man can s**e himself, a great man can s**e another.


1. someone's a little full of himself.有些人很自以为是

2. it's doses matter if you win or lost. it's whether or not you beat the spread.


3. i don't know how i got so off-topic.我不知道怎么就跑题了

4. i hadn't really thought that far ahead.我还真没有想那么远

5. you are kind of freaking everybody out here.你吓到大家了

6. you're a big selfish jerk.你个超级自私的混蛋

7. that's kind of attitude is gonna break down the whole system.这种想法会搅乱全局的

8. otherwise they wouldn't h**e invented caller id.否则他们就不会发明来电显示了(知道来电显示不?)

9. don't i get a hug.不来个拥抱吗?

10. better late than never.迟到总比没来好

11. i sidled up to the women.我悄悄的走向那女的

12. drop dead, you bastard.去死吧,你这混蛋。

13. don't try to cheer me up.别哄我开心

14. kid's got a bladder the size of a pea.这孩子尿急了。

1. these pictures h**e been retouched and airbrushed.这些**是被润色修改过的

2. he judith, what's up?嘿!judith怎么了

3. he's pretty tightly wound.他挺神经质的

4. your wife has taken up surfing.你老婆来冲浪

5. except maybe try and figure out why a lesbian married you in the first place.除非你自己反省一下,当初为什么取了个女同性恋做老婆。


6. you pompous, assuming bastard.你这个自大又爱猜疑的混蛋

7. you shallow piece of crap.你这个浅薄的垃圾(6和7句,口语中都喜欢省略了系动词“be”)

8. it's easy to make anything sound stupid, charlie.狗嘴里吐不出象牙,charlie

9. i think we should all calm down just a little.我觉的我们应该冷静下来

10. i know it is a vicious circle.我知道这是恶性循环(恶性循环vicious circle)

11. she is swell.她不错(今天才知道swell还有漂亮的、不错的意思。我只知道塔有膨胀、增大的意思呀)

12. you h**e to be firm with him.对他你必须玩硬的。

13. i want us to be buddies again.咱们和好吧(buddy可是地道的美语,是密友伙伴的意思)

14. you are so *****.你太幼稚了

15. it's a mind blower, isn't it?这是幻觉,是不是?

1. i know you built your sundeck without a permit and i am calling it in.我知道你违章搭了阳台,我要去检举你

2. allan, chill. allan,冷静点

3. you just don't know how to sell yourself, give me a minute.你只是不知道怎么推销自己,看我的(向allan展现如何追女人时说的,看这段时笑死我了)

4. i knew it. i knew you'd chicken out.我知道,你害怕胆小

5. i h**e actually met you a bunch of times.其实我们见过很多次了

6. i gotta catch up on some *****work.我也要赶些文书工作

7. i am a lot edgy.我是非常着急

8. somebody dumped chirlie?有人把chirlie甩了?

9. i wish i could h**e loved you the way you deserve to be loved.我多么希望我能给你应得的爱

10. so, stood up by jill, ran into bill.这样啊,被jill放鸽子,又碰见了bill

11. i am trying, charlie. i'm trying to be openminded.我尽力了chaelie,我已经够开明的了。


第一课。1 你好。2 嗨。3 早上好。4 下午好。5 晚上好。6 很高兴认识你。7 我也很高兴认识你。8 你好吗?9 我很好。10 我叫疯狂宝贝。第二课。1 再见。2 再见。3 再见。4 再见。5 待会见。6 再见。7 再见。8 再见。9 明天见。10 下星期一见。第三课。1 你叫什么名字?2 我叫...


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闲聊用语chat in my book.我不这么认为。heard though the grape vine that 我从小道消息听说 weather for ducks.这种天气至少鸭子喜欢。这是下雨时的调侃语。it a lovely day?a beautiful nice day,isn t...