
发布 2019-12-27 08:46:28 阅读 6323

1. it’s up to you. =you’re the boss.由你决定;你说了算。

2. i wasn’t born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。

3. it’s my treat this time.这次我请客!

4. ill treat you to lunch.午餐我请你!

5. that’s not like him.那不像是他的风格。

6. my father has the last word at home.在家里爸爸说了算。

7. can you keep an eye on my bag?帮我看一下包好吗?

8. i’ll keep my ears open.我会留意的。

9. i’ve got my hands full.我手头正忙。

10. let’s give him a big hand!让我们给他热烈的欢迎/鼓掌!

11. my mouth is watering.我都在流口水了。

12. i’m not myself today. =i’m feeling under the weather today.我今天心神不宁/ 我今天不舒服。

13. he is a green hand.他是一个生手。

14. don’t lose your head.不要惊慌失措。

15. that’s my cup of tea.= it’s my f**orite.这是我最心爱的。

16. it’s a piece of cake.小菜一碟。

17. the wall has ears./ walls h**e ears.隔墙有耳。

18. i’m all ears.我在洗耳恭听:

19. i h**e a sweet tooth.我喜欢吃甜食。

20. i h**e a runny nose.我流鼻涕了。

21. don’t fall for it!不要上当!

22. you asked for it!你自讨苦吃!

23. what a good deal!真便宜! that’s a deal!成交/说话算数/ 一言为定。

24. take it easy. it’s/ that’s not a (=no) big deal.别紧张,没什么大不了的。

25. every dog has his day.人人皆有得意之时。

26. you are a lucky dog.你真幸运。

27. you are one in a million.你真是万里挑一。

28. it’s second to none.它毫不逊色。

29. i can’t follow you!我不懂你说的!

30. any day will do?哪一天都可以?

31. you can never tell.不知道/谁也没把握。

32. i cross my heart!我发誓是真的!

33. that’s a good buy.那买得便宜。

34. i h**e no choice!我别无选择了 !

35. what was your name again?请再说一次名字好吗?

36. will you pick me up at my place?你能到我的住处来接我吗?

37. this new book goes/ sells like hot cakes.这本新书很畅销。

38. i’d like to repair our differences.我愿意消除我们之间的分歧。

39. you are most understanding!你真体贴!

40. learn to walk before you run.循序渐进。

41. they spend money like water.他们花钱如流水。

42. it’s out of the question.那是不可能的。

43. that is outside my field.那不在我学的范围内。

44. we’ll find out shortly/ soon!我们很快就知道了 !

45. we’ve been expecting you!我们正等着你呢!

46. that cat won’t jump.那一手行不通。

47. please don’t put all your eggs in one basket.千万不要孤注一掷。

48. it’s no use crying over spilt milk.不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣/覆水难收/不要做无益的后悔。

49. it’s a pain in the neck.那真是件麻烦事。

50. i had a sound sleep last night.昨天晚上我睡得很香。

51. one picture is worth a thousand words.百闻不如一见0

52. i came up with an answer at the eleventh hour.我终于在最后时刻找到了答案。

53. we sing the same song.我们情趣相投。

54. you can play with tom, he was not in the same class.你可以和汤姆比一下,他不是你的对手。

55. we’re in the same boat.我们处境相同。

56. don’t miss the boat.不要坐失良机。

57. i can’t agree (with you) more。我完全同意你的看法。not...more = most

58. i don't like black tea, but i like white coffee.我不想喝红茶,我想喝加牛奶的咖啡。

59. what's or.: ur mind?你在想什么? don’t be out of your mind!别开小差!

60. can i h**e a word with you now?现在我能跟你谈一谈吗?

61. he was too pleased to help us.他很乐意帮助我们。

62. you can't be too careful in your work.你工作越认真越好。

63. that’s more like that!这才像话嘛!

64. that’s really something.真了不起。

65. you are really something.你真了不起!

66. i can do nothing but that.我只会做那件事。

67. he will do anything but work.只要不是干活,他干什么都行。(but后接动词原形)

68. nothing is impossible to a willing mind/heart.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

69. i’ll show you around!我带你四处逛逛!

70. you let me down.你太令我失望了。

71. practice makes perfect.天道酬勤;熟能生巧。

72. he’s an early bird.他惯于早到。(early birds catch the worms早起的鸟儿有虫吃。)

73. you can’t please everyone.你不可能讨好每一个人/你不可能面面倶到。

74. i’m easy to please (i’m easy-going).我很容易相处(我很随和)。

75. are you kidding (me)?你在开玩笑吧!

76. are you pulling my leg?你在开我玩笑吧?

77. don’t get me wrong.不要误会我。

78. if i were in your shoes.如果我是你的话。

79. i won’t buy your story.我不信你那一套。

80. it’s a long story.说来话长。

81. they are in one story.他们众口一词。

82. you are all wet.你全错了。

83. you’re really killing me!真是笑死我了 !

84. we h**e thirty minutes to kill.我们有三十分钟空闲时间。

85. i couldn’t reach him!我联络不上他!

86. drop me a line.写封信给我。

87. ph be in touch! =let’s keep in touch.保持联络!

88. i mean it.我是认真的。=i’m serious.

89. i don’t mean it.我不是故意的。

90. i’m dying to see you.我真想见你。

91. you can’t be serious!你不是认真的吧?

92. i can’t make it.我去不了 /我赶不上。

93. you may le**e it to me.交给我来办。

94. what’s the rush?什么事那么匆忙?

95. i couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。

96. stay out of this matter, please. /none of your business!请别管这事;不关你事。

97. she gives me a headache.她让我头疼。

98. he often fails to keep his word.他常常不遵守诺言。

99. he broke his words once again.他又一次违背了诺言。

100. take my word for it.相信我的话。

101. you h**e my word.我保证。

102. i hope it turns out all right.我希望结果很好。

103. you make me jump! =you surprise me a lot!你吓了我一跳!

104. you’re wasting your breath.你在白费口舌。

105. i’m worn out/exhausted.我筋疲力尽。

106. i hope this will teach you a lesson.希望这会给你一个教训。

107. you are a loser.你输定了。i,m the winner.我赢了。

108. he’s a good/bad loser.他是一个输得起/输不起的人。

109. you said it.你说对了。

110. you hit it.你猜中了。

111. i can’t come up with it.我想不出来。

112. now you are really talking!说得对!

113. you’ve got it.你明白了。

114. that’s going too far!这太离谱了 !

115. you’re going too far!你太过分了 !

116. don’t give me any excuses.不要给我任何理由/借口。


1.活该 a it that servesyou him,her right youdeserve he shedeservesit.2.活该 b youhaditcoming b well,youhaditcoming,becauseyou vebeeneatingsomuchwithoutexe...


1.good luck!祝你顺利 祝你好运 2.all the best!祝你万事如意!3.h e a good trip 旅途愉快!4.wish you a success!祝你成功!5.h e a good day 祝你今天开心!6.i hope to see you soon.我希望不久见到你...


1i 我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。2you regoingoutofyourwayforus,ibelieve.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。3it sjustthematteroftheschedule,thatis,ifitisconvenientofyourightnow.如果你们...