
发布 2021-02-09 21:15:28 阅读 8682

2. delivery n 交货,/shipment

effect delivery交货/make delivery交货。

take delivery提货

we must insist on delivery within the time dated, and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later.


will you be able to deliver within 5 weeks of receipt of order?


3. **术语:成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三

4. commission n 佣金

明佣 open commission/暗佣 sleeping commission


our 3% commission / a commission of 3%

inclusive of our 3% commission

including our commission of 3%

两笔(或几笔)佣金— two items of commission / several items of commission

view of our long-standing business relationship, we would like to allow you another 2% commission for further promotion of our products.


a commission of 5% will certainly help you in pushing your sales.



to meet you half way, we’ll give you a commission of 5%.

a special discount 特别折扣。

cash discount现金折扣。

trade discount同业折扣,商业折扣。

quantity discount 数量折扣。

exceptional discount 额外折扣。

at a discount削价,降价,无销路的。

we agree to give you 15% discount provided you order 100,000 sets


items n.项目;条款;商品;货物。


goods 在商业英语中泛指货物。

article 指某一种商品而且有不同的规格。

commodity (比较正式),尤其指一个国家的主要商品。

merchandise 泛指商品,不特指某一商品,cargo 指已装上运输工具、准备运走的货物。

consignment 指一批货物。

illustrated catalogue 有插图的商品目录。

a steady demand 稳定的需求。

selective buyer 挑剔的买主。

general enquiry 一般询盘。

high quality优质。

fashionable designs款式新颖的设计。


quantity discount数量折扣

1) also under separate cover we are sending you a full range of goods __b___

a. of export b. for export c. export to d. export

2) we would like to __d__ you a discount5%, if your order exceeds usd$1,000.

a. give/ to b. provide/of c. allow/ to d. allow/of

3) our products will appeal __b___your market.

a. forb. toc. ond. in

4) we __b_ mr. smiths that you are in the market of woolen mixed blanket.

a. get information about b. learn from

c. are informed byd. are told by

5) we are offering you goods __b___very high quality.

a. atb. ofc. withd. for

6) you can __c__ our best attention to your specific requirements.

a. relyb. replay on c. rely on d. lie on

7) please send us your __b___catalogue, together with samples you can let us h**e.

a. illustrate b. illustrated c. illustrating d. illustration

8) thank you for your letter of october 20, _c___for oilseeds.

a. inviting b. expecting c. enquiring d. asking

9) there is a __c___for chinese cotton in our market.

a. great need b. increasing need c. steady demand d. risen demand

10) _d___we are interested in building suitable and lasting trade relations throughout the world

more exercises: (1)fill in the blanks with proper forms of given words:

interest illustrate appeal demand rely

attractive enquiry export discount sale

1) we would like to mention that if your price is and delivery date acceptable, we shall place our order___attractive__ with you immediately.

2) we are __interested __in your cotton piece goods, and are in the market for it. we hope to receive your enquiry at an early date.

3) while thank you for your letter of march 5, we regret to inform you that the item you are __enquiredfor is in short supply.

4) we are mainly exportingchinese electronics. we h**e recently concluded a transaction of $10,000 on the terms of d/p at sight.

5) we h**e to do a lot of advertising with your goods to push the _sales __

6) the product __appealing __to your market is our latest one.

7) thank you for you repeat order, as usual, you can __rely __on us to effect the shipment well before your required schedule.

8) your quotation is too high and out of line with the prevailing market level, we ask you for a 5% _discount __

9) the pamphlet enclosed not only provides you with the necessary information about the machine, but also __illustrates __the ways of operating them.


一 词汇。scope n范围,机会,能力。in scope在 范围内。beyond the scope of 超出 的范围。acquaint vt使熟悉。saying n俗语。embody vt包含。vip abbr重要人物。corporate adj.社团的,公司的,共同的。corporation...


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