
发布 2021-02-06 06:39:28 阅读 8368

unit 6 talking about yesterday's activities 第六单元谈昨日的日常活动。

226 what time did you get up yesterday morning?

227 i woke up early and got up at 6 o'clock.

228 my brother got up earlier than i did.

229 did you get dressed right away?

230 yes, i got dressed and had breakfast.

231 what kind of breakfast did you h**e?

232 what time did you get to work yesterday morning?

233 i left the house at 8 o'clock and got to work at 8:30.

234 did you work all day?

235 yes, i worked from early morning until late at night.

236 at noon i had lunch with a friend of mine.

237 i finished working at 5:30 and went home.

238 after dinner i read a magazine and made some telephone calls.

239 i went to bed at 11:30

240 i went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night.

226 你昨天早晨什么时候起床的?

227 我醒得很早六点就起床了。

228 我弟弟比我起得早些。

229 你马上就穿好衣服了吗?

230 是的,我穿好衣服就吃早饭。

231 你吃的是哪类早餐?

232 你昨天早晨几点钟上班的?

233 我八点钟离开家,八点三十分上班。

234 你整日都在工作吗?

235 是的,我从清早一直工作到深夜。

236 中午我和一个朋友一同吃午饭。

237 我五点三十分下班回家。

238 晚饭后我看过一份杂志,也打过几次**。

239 我晚上十一点三十分就寝。

240 我立刻睡着了,并且一整夜都睡得很熟。

questions and answers

1. bill: what time did you get up yesterday morning, john?

john: i woke up early and got up at 6 o'clock.

2. fred: what time did you wake up yesterday morning, paul?

paul: i woke up at 6 o'clock.

3. helen: did you get up early yesterday morning, betty?

betty: yes. but my brother got up earlier than i did.

4. alice: after you got up, did you get dressed right away?

betty: yes, i did. i got dressed right away and had breakfast.

5. edward: what kind of breakfast did you h**e yesterday morning?

henry: i had a big breakfast yesterday.

6. harry: george, what kind of breakfast did you h**e yesterday?

george: i had a good breakfast.

7. margaret: what time did you le**e the house yesterday morning?

helen: i left the house at about 8 o'clock.

8. betty: what time did you get to work yesterday morning?

margaret: i got to work on time yesterday morning.

9. john: did you work all day yesterday, bill?

bill: yes, i did. i worked from early morning until late at night.

10. paul: did you work all day yesterday?

fred: yes, i did. i worked from 9 o'clock until 6 o'clock.

11. helen: did you work all day yesterday, betty?

betty: no, i didn't. i worked until noon yesterday.

12. harry: didn't you work hard all day yesterday, bill?

bill: no, i didn't. i worked from 9 until noon.

13. mr. green: what time did you go out for lunch yesterday?

mr. brown: i went out for lunch at about 12:30 yesterday.

14. bill: what did you do after dinner last night?

paul: after dinner i made some telephone calls.

15. john: did you go to sleep immediately last night, henry?

henry: yes. i went to sleep immediately and slept soundly.


约翰: 我醒得很早,六点钟就起床了。

2.弗雷德: 保罗,你昨天早晨什么时候醒来的?

保罗: 我六点钟醒来的。

3.海伦: 贝蒂,你昨天早晨起床很早吗?

贝蒂: 是的,不过我弟弟比我起得还早。

4.艾丽斯: 你起床以后,立刻就穿衣服吗?

贝蒂: 是的,我立刻穿衣服然后吃早饭。

5.爱德华: 你昨天早餐吃了什么样的早餐?

亨利: 我昨天吃的早餐很丰盛。

6.哈里: 乔治,你昨天早晨什么时候离开家的?

乔治: 我吃了一顿很好的早餐。


海伦: 我八点钟离开家的。

8.贝蒂: 你昨天早晨什么时候上班的?


9.约翰: 比尔,你昨日整天都在工作吗?

比尔: 是的,我从清早一直工作到深夜。

10.保罗: 你昨日整天在工作吗?

弗雷德: 是的,我从九点钟一直工作到六点。

11.海伦: 贝蒂,你昨日整天在工作吗?

贝蒂: 不,我没有。我昨天就工作到中午。

12.哈里: 比尔,你昨日不是整天辛勤的工作吗?

比尔: 不,我没有。我从九点工作到中午。



14.比尔: 昨晚你吃过晚饭以后干什么?

保罗: 吃完晚饭以后,我打了几次**。

15.约翰: 亨利,昨天晚上你立刻就睡觉了吗?

亨利: 是的,我立刻就睡了,并且整夜都睡得很熟。

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