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book two lesson one

accomplishmentn.[ac-=ad- =to][com-=with;together;wholly][pli=fill;full][-ish动词词尾,表示“做”][ment名词词尾]1.[c]something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work成就;成绩:

it was one of the president’s greatest accomplishments. 2.[c]an ability to do sth.

well;skill才能;才艺:playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments. 3.

[u]skill in doing sth. 技能:a high level of accomplishment 4.

[u](formal)the act of finishing or achieving sth. good成就;完成,实现:money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.

词形变换]to succeed in doing or completing sth.完成:the first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.



典型考题]we can __whatever we set out to do.

a. finished b. achieved

c. completed d. accomplished



accomplish指成功地完成预期的计划任务等,后面可以不接具体的事物;achieve指排除困难去完成计划或大业;complete指完成某一工程建筑等,也可指使某一事物完整完善,多接具体的事物为宾语;finish 是一般用语,多指完成应完成的工作,也可用于指完成日常小事,如吃完、看完等。

acquire[ ]v.[t] [ac- =ad-=to] [quire = seek]1.(formal)to buy or obtain sth.

,especially sth. expensive or difficult to get购得,得到(尤指昂贵的或难以得到的东西):the museum has managed to acquire an important work by dali.

get or develop knowledge,skills etc. by your own efforts掌握,获得(知识、技能等):i looked on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.

become well-known because of your abilities(因自己的能力而)赢得(名声):the team has acquired a fearsome reputation.

补充意义]vt.(humorous)to get sth. by dishonest means以不正当的方式获得。

常用短语]acquire a taste for开始喜欢上……

be an acquired taste是后来喜欢上的东西。

典型例题]he gradually __a habit of smoking.

a. gained b. acquired

c. derived d. won



acquire指经过一个过程养成习惯,或经过努力获得知识名声等;earn 通过劳动获得报酬荣誉等,如earn money, earn friendship;derive多与from连用,指从……中获得(乐趣等);win 赢得。

arrogantlyadv.[ar-=ad-=to][rog= ask] [ant形容词词尾][-ly副词词尾,大多接于形容词之后]beh**ing in a proud,self-important and unpleasant way, showing little thought for other people傲慢地;自大地;趾高气扬地:he strutted about the room arrogantly.



典型例题]it is your __insistence that compelled me to do as you asked.

a. conceitedb. arrogant

c. bluntd. confident



arrogant 傲慢的,傲慢无礼的;conceited(多修饰人)自大的,自负的;blunt 指粗鲁无礼的;confident自信的,用在典型考题句中,与句意不符。

aspirinn.[ aspirins or aspirin)a drug used to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation 阿司匹林(镇痛解热消炎药):take two aspirin(s) for a headache.


assume[ ]v.[t][as-=ad-=to][sume=take]

think or accept that sth. is true but without h**ing proof of it 假定,假设;认为:it is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.

2.(formal)to take or begin to h**e power or responsibility承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力):the court assumed responsibility for the girl’s welfare.

3.(formal)to begin to h**e a particular quality or appearance呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征):this matter has assumed considerable importance.

补充意义]v.1.(formal)to pretend to h**e a particular feeling or quality 装出;假装:

he assumed an air of concern.他装出关心的样子。 be based on the idea that sth.

else is correct以……为先决条件;预先假定:your theory assumes that we are willing to pay for services by taxation.


assume guilt/innocence 认定(某人)有罪/无罪。

assume control/power/responsibilities etc.开始控制/掌权/承担责任等。

assume a/an manner/air/expression etc. 装出……的态度/样子/表情等。

assume (that) 假定,假设。

we can safely assume (that)我们可以肯定。

词形变换]before n.)假定的;假设的

假定,假设;(2)[u](formal)承担;担任[+of]:the assumption of responsibility

词义辨析]中断之后)继续 (2)(中断之后)重新开始(3)resume your seat/place/position回到座位/原地/原职位。

消费;消耗(时间、能量、时间、金钱等) (2)吃、喝、饮 (3)(formal)(火)吞噬,烧毁 (4)consume sb. with sth.使充满(强烈的感情)常用被动态:

be consumed with被(某种强烈的情感)所折磨。

(1)[t](没有证据地)相信,认为;推测 (2)[t]to accept that sth. is true until it is shown not to be true,especially in a court of law(尤用于法律)推定;假定;姑且认定:in english law,a person is presumed innocent until proved guilty.

(3)[i](formal)冒昧做某事,放肆;擅作主张;越权行事:presume to do sth. (4)[t](formal)to accept sth.

as true or existing to act on that basis意味着;以……为先决条件/前提:the course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.


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