
发布 2020-12-15 21:34:28 阅读 9177

unit 7 is it a pear?

asking and answering questions about single object




banana, yes, orange, pear, strawberry, lemon, watermelon, nut, is, it, kiwi fruit, pineapple

二、句子(听、说、能认读 )

1. what’s this?

it’s a nut.

2. what’s that?

it’s a lemon.

3. is it a nut?

yes, it is.

4. is it a pear?

no, it isn’t.

unit 8 are these tomatoes?

a&a questions about plural objects




these, tomatoes, those, look, girl, are, they, beans, mushrooms, cabbages, onions, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflowers, eggplants, peppers


come back

二、句子(听、说、能认读 )

1. what are these? they are beans.

2. what are those? they are onions.

3. are these beans? yes, they are.

4. are those potatoes? no, they aren’t.

unit 9 how many?

a&a questions about quantities

语法:there be 句型。



bird, there, too, eggs, flower, help, small, big, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, nest, crocodile, zero


how many, look out

二、句子(听、说、能认读 )

1. how many birds are there? there are seven birds.

2. how many flowers are there? there are eight flowers.

unit 10 what color is it?

a&a questions about colors

语法:be 动词。



color, all, now, red, blue, green, yellow, black, brown, orange, white, bear, fish, butterfly, pink, purple, grey, crab

二、句子(听、说、能认读 )

1. what color is this / that bird? it’s blue.

2. what color are these / those frogs? they are green.

3. what color is it? it’s blue.

4. what color are they? they are yellow.

unit 11 i can climb

a&a questions about ability




can, tree, yes, see, house, but, listen, run, dance, swim, sing, read, write, walk, talk, jump, draw, climb, can’t, matter, catch, more, carry(红色字体的单词,会认读即可)


once upon a time, all right

二、句子(听、说、能认读 )

1. can you run? yes, i can.

2. can she draw? yes, she can.

3. i can run. /you can draw. /she can read. /he can dance.

4. can you see our house? yes, i can.

5. can you climb this tree? no, i can’t.

6. what’s the matter? i can’t walk.

unit 12 review


candy, ok, cookies


unit 7 辅音字母b / p的发音:

例:bag, baby, book, ball, pen, pencil, pear, pineapple

unit 8 辅音字母t / d的发音:

例: taxi,tomatoes,turtle,tea,deer,desk,dog,duck

unit 9 辅音字母s / z 的发音:

例: snake,salad,six,sun,zoo,zipper,zebra,zero

unit 10 辅音字母l / m / n的发音:

例: ladder,lemon,lulu,moon,money, mushroom, noodles, nut, nest

unit 11 辅音字母h / r的发音:

例: house, hand, hat, help, rabbit, ruler, red, rat,英语期末复习练习。

unit 7

1. 词汇,填写首字母。

_ut __anana __trawberry

_emon __atermelon __range

_ear __ineapple __iwi __ruit

_each __en __uppet __oy

_oat __anda __ook __all

_aby __ag __encil

2. 语法题。

1. what’s this? it’s __orange.

a. a b. an

2. what’s __that is a lemon.

a. this b. that c. it

3. is it a nut? no

a. it is b. it isn’t c. it’s an apple.

4it’s a blue fish.

a. what’s this?

b. how many fish are there?

c. is it a fish?

5. what’s that? _a beautiful peacock.

a. they’re b. it’s c. there are

3. 连词组句。

1. this / what / is

2. it / an / is / octopus

3. it / no / isn’t

unit 8

1. 词汇,单复数变换。









2. 语法题。

1. what __these? they are beans.

a. is b. are c. ‘s

2. are those mushrooms? no, _

a. they aren’t b. they are is

3. what are __they are rabbits.

a. those b. this c. it

4. are these your books? _they are.

a. no b. yes c. it’s

5. what are these? they are___

a. pear b. pears c. two pear

3. 填写be动词(am, is, are)

1. i __a clever girl in my class.

2. you __a tall boy.

3. he __our math teacher.


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