
发布 2020-12-08 13:37:28 阅读 7912


unit one what day is today?


词汇:星期:weekends( sunday, saturday), weekdays(monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday )

打球: play ping-pang/…,娱乐活动:go swimming/…

拜访看望某人:go to see my grandparents/ uncle/ aunt/ brother/ sister.

句型:1. what day is today? 今天星期几 --it’s tuesday. i play ping-pang today.

it’s saturday. let’s go to see your grandma.

2. what day is tomorrow?明天星期几—it’s thursday. i go swimming on thursday.

注意:活动不同,表达方式不同go to see… ,play …,go ….


unit two what do you do on sunday?


词汇:去某地 go to the park/ cinema/ bookstore/ museum(zoo, farm)以及表示活动的短语表达。

句型:1. do you go to the park on saturday, kate? -yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

do you go to see your grandparents on saturday, kate?

2. what do you do on sundayi draw pictures. (i go to the museum.)

注意:1. 注意活动表达的固定搭配 go to the zoo, read books, go to see a film… .

2. 句子划线部分可以进行替换。

3. 在星期几用 on 表示, on monday, on wednesday…

4. 一致性:do you 提问,回答就是do和don’t.

unit three what’s your number?


词汇:1-20 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. (十几词尾—teen, 几十词尾 –ty,区分twelve12,twenty20)

句型:1. what’s your number? -my number is twelve.

what’s his number? his number is eleven. (他的)

what’s her number? her number is twenty. (她的)

2. how many pigs do you h**e on your farmi h**e sixteen pigs (on my farm). 复数)

how many girls / boys do you h**e in your classwe h**e nineteen girls/boys.

注意: 名词单复数变化,数量=1 单数表达,数量大于等于2复数表达,单词加s或es。

unit four there are many animals.


词汇:elephant, monkey, panda, cat, dog, bird鸟, bear熊, tiger, kangaroo, fox, zebra, hen母鸡,pig猪, cow奶牛, horse马, sheep绵羊,rabbit, giraffe, lion, fish鱼,duck鸭子,

句型:1. are there elephants in this zoo? -yes, there are four.

动物园里有…吗yes, there is one.

no, there aren’t. there are bears.

2. do you like catsyes, i do. i like dogs, too. 是的,我还喜欢…

你喜欢…吗no, i don’t. i like pandas. 不,我喜欢…



一致性:are there提问,需要用there are/aren’t 回答。

unit five i h**e long arms


词汇:身体部位:ear(s)耳朵, eye(s)眼, nose鼻, mouth嘴, hair头发, head头, neck脖子, body身体, arm(s)手臂, hand(s)手, leg(s)腿, knee(s)膝盖, foot(feet)脚, tail尾巴。

形容外表的形容词:big-small大小, long-short长短, fat-thin胖瘦, strong强壮。

句型:1. what’s this? 这是什么? it’s an elephant.

2. it has a short tail. -is it smallyes, it is./ no, it, isn’t.

它长着… 它有。

3. do you h**e long arms? -no, i don’t. i h**e short arms.

yes, i do.

please guess. white hair, big eyes… it’s black.


谁有什么has/ h**e表达,i h**e , it has, she has, he has,

一致性:do you提问,就用yes, i do./ no, i don’t 回答。

unit six it’s christmas day.


词汇:形容词pretty, lovely, nice, cute, happy

20、对生活垃圾进行分类、分装,这是我们每个公民的义务。只要我们人人参与,养成良好的习惯,我们周围的环境一定会变得更加清洁和美丽。 活动make a snowman, make a card, watch the fireworks, sing and dance.

句型:1. happy birthday to you. –thank you.


2. merry christmasmerry christmas to you, too!

14、在太阳周围的八颗大行星,它们是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。 3. happy new yearthe same to you.


4. let’s make a snowman. –ok.

/ great./ good 邀请别人一起做某事。

6、重新使用是指多次或用另一种方法来使用已用过的物品,它也是减少垃圾的重要方法。 5. look at the cardhow nice it is.

13、以太阳为中心,包括围绕它转动的八大行星(包括围绕行星转动的卫星)、矮行星、小天体(包括小行星、流星、彗星等)组成的天体系统叫做太阳系。 6. how old are youi’m eight.






三年级知识点梳理。unit1lesson1 词汇 first第一,second第二,third第三,fourth第四 boy男孩,girl女孩,september九月 miss小姐。句型 it s the first day of school.今天是开学的第一天。lesson2 词汇 chines...


三年级知识点梳理。unit1lesson1 词汇 first第一,second第二,third第三,fourth第四 boy男孩,girl女孩,september九月miss小姐。句型 it s the first day of school.今天是开学的第一天。lesson2词汇 chinese语...


教材分析 由于二年级的英语要求学生会读一些日常使用频率较高的单词,注重培养学生的口语交际能力,而将英语的听和写的能力放在较高年级培养。为了减轻二年级学生的学习负担,给予学生更自由的成长空间,所以本学期二年级英语口语没有教材。我在综合分析外研社版二年级上册英语及人教版二年级上册教材的基础上,考虑到学生...