
发布 2020-12-04 14:04:28 阅读 3666

一、 choose the correct answer. (选择,将正确的代号填入前面的括号内)10%

二、 questions and answers. (根据实际情况回答问题) 10%

1. where do you live? ishanghai.

2. how are you? i’m

3. where is your pencil-box? it’sthe

4. can you fly a kitei

5. how do you go to school? i go to school

6. what do you like to drink? i like to drink

三、 readings. (阅读对话判断,与对话内容一致的用”t”表示,不一致的用”f”表示)10%

1) sam’s birthday

hello, i am joe. i am eight. i h**e got a brother.

he is sam. today is sam’s birthday. he is three now.

my mum and dad give him a new bicycle. i give sam a blue ball. he likes the ball very much.

he says, “boys all like the ball.”

2) you are a cat

iii 写出下列单词的首字母的大小写。5’

1. 猪2. 脏3. 桌子。

4. 杯子5. 猴子 __

iv 根据中文意思,选词填空。10’

1. 我听见牛叫声。

ihear; see) a cow.

2. 大象个子大,走得慢。

the elephant is __big; small) and __fast; slow).

3. 桌子上有两本书。

there __is; are) two __book; books) on the table.

4. 我会跑步和游泳。

i can __sun; run) and __swing; swim).

5. 我用毛巾洗脸。

i wash my __towel; face) with __towel; face).


may, h**elunch; dinner).

v 单词、短语连线。10’

单词) iii





短语) iii

clean your room刷牙。

brush your teeth打扫房间。

wash your face吃早饭。

go to school洗脸。

h**e breakfast上学。

vi 根据中文,选择正确的英文单词。10’

1. 白天(night; day )2. 夏天(summer; sun)

4. 水 (water; wash ) 5. 汤 (soup; soap) 6. 熊 (bear; pear)

7. 鸭子(duck; chick) 8. 游泳(swim; swing) 9. 碗 (bowl; plate)

10. 刀 knife; fork) 3. 牙膏(toothpaste; toothbrush)

vii 填入正确的be动词:is或are. 5’

1. there __a sofa in my room.

2. there __three girls in the classroom.

3. there __a fork and 2 plates on the table.

4. there __40 students (学生) in the classroom.

5. there __four sheep on the farm(农场).


1. what do you see?

a. i see a duck. b. i hear a duck.

( )2. how old are you?

a. i’m 7 years old. b. i’m ok.

( )3. how do you go to beijing?

a. by planeb. i like beijing.

( )4. i am sorry.

a. i’m okb. it’s ok.

( )5. what do you like to do?

a. i like to run and dance. b. i like yellow.

( )6. can you swim?a. yes, i do. b. yes. i can.

( )7. who is your friend?

a. she is my friend. b. i h**e a friend.

( )8. may i h**e a pizza?

a. yes, pleaseb. no, thank you.

( )9. what do you want?

a. i want some juice. b. i need a belt.

( )10. let’s go and play on the beach.

a. ok. let’s gob. yes, please.

ix 日常英语问答连线。5’

iii1. what’s your namea. good night.

2. how are youb. how do you do?

3. good nightc. i am fine, thank you.

4. nice to see youd. i am may.

5. how do you doe. nice to see you, too.


二 at the zoo 在动物园 monkey 英 mki 美 mki 猴 猿 tiger 英 tai 美 ta 老虎 panda 英 pnd 美 pnd 熊猫 bear 英 b 美 br 熊 lion 英 lain 美 lan 狮子 little 英 litl 美 ltl 小的 bump 英 b...

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小学二年级英语期末测试题。本卷满分100分,30分钟完成 学号 班级姓名 成绩 一 听录音,圈出你所听到的图画,每小题读三遍 20分 二 听录音,判断对错,对的打 错的打 每小题读三遍 10分 三 听录音,连一连,帮小动物找出喜欢的食物,每小题读三遍 10分 四 听录音,圈出你所听到的数字,每小题读...