
发布 2020-12-04 12:13:28 阅读 3254


一, 改写下列字母,大写变小写,小写变大写。(8分)


)1,a, rainb, windyc, sunny

)2,a, catb,dogc, head

)3,a, parkb, yesc, no

)4,a, flyb, ridec, snowman

)5,a, bikeb,playc,kite

)6,a, swimb,footballc,plane


)1,planea, 飞 b,飞机。

)2,playa,玩 b , 飞。

)3,ridea, 骑 b, 写。

)4,swima,游泳 b,走路。

)5,flya,飞机 b,飞。

)6,makea, 制作 b,需要。

)7,snowmana,雪人 b , 雪。

)8,kitea, 猫b, 风筝。




)1、can you swim

a、yes , i can . b、yes, i want . c, no , i can.

)2、can you play football ? no , i

a、can b、can’tc, don’t

)3、ifly a kite .

a、amb, canc, are


a、sunnyb、sun c、rain

)5、the weather is

a、snows b、snow c、snowy

)6、it’s windy . i can

a、swim b、fly c、fly a kite


)1,it’s rainya,

)2,it’s an umbrellab,

)3,it’s sunnyc,

) 4, it’s windyd,

)5,it’s snowye,

)6, it’s cloudyf

)7, i can make a snowman . g,


1, football let’s and play go

2, like weather what’s the

3, fly kite can a we

4, it’s but windy

5, you bike can a ride



a、i can play footballb、i can’t play football.


a、sorry ,i canb、sorry, i can’t .


a、i can swimb, can you swim ?


a、i love rainb、i don’t like rain .


a、do you want to go to the park ? b、let’s go to the park.


a,what’s the weather like in shanghai?b,what’s the weather like in shenyang?

参***。一, 略。

二, acacba

三, baaabaabaa

四, abbacc

五, dfaegbc

六, 1,25341 2,3421 3,53142 4,213 5,31542

七, bbabbb

参***。一, 略。

二, acacba

三, baaabaabaa

四, abbacc

五, dfaegbc

六, 1,25341 2,3421 3,53142 4,213 5,31542

七, bbabbb

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