小学英语三年级上册第五单元测试卷 附听力材料

发布 2020-11-09 17:12:28 阅读 3589




listening part(听力部分)

一。 听录音,根据你所听到的内容给下面的**排序,录音读两遍。(8分)

二.听录音,如果图与内容相符画 ,否则画 ,录音读两遍。(16分)


1. a. b. 2. a. b.

3. a. b4. a b

5. a. b6. a. b.

7. a. b.

四。听录音,圈出你所听到的字母,每题读两遍。 (12分)

o ab pp q

l rc sd t


writing part (笔试部分)

一。 listen and circle.读一读,根据提示圈出正确的单词。(8分)

1. can i h**e some ?

2. h**e some , please!

3. i’d like some , please.

4. can i h**e some ?

二。 read and write.请把以下圈出的字母重新排序,并把大小写形式写在四线格上。(12分)

三。 read and choose.根据对话内容,选出正确的句子,把相应的字母编号写在横线上。(18分)


unit5 listening

一。 听录音,根据你所听到的内容给下面的**排序,录音读两遍。

1. –i’d like some fish.

--i’d like some rice.

2. can i h**e some water, please? -here you are.

3. can i h**e some rice, please? -here you are.

4. i’d like some cake. –thank you!


1. h**e some bread.

2. h**e some cake.

3. drink some milk

4. h**e some juice.

5. eat some eggs.

6. drink some water.

7. eat some rice.

8. cut the cake.


1. -can i h**e some bread?

--here you are.

2. i’d like some rice. –

here you are.

3. -h**e some milk.

–thank you!

4. can i h**e some orange juice?

here you are.

thank you.

5. i’d like some fish, please.

here you are.

6. h**e some water, please.


7. this is a cake. i like it.


四。听录音,圈出你所听到的字母,每题读两遍。 (12分)

1. ooo,o for orange

for panda

3. qqq,q for queen

4. rrr,r for rice

5. sss ,s for snake

6. ttt ,t for tiger


name’s like some rice ,fish and juice.

2. is the you are.

3. i’m mr like some bread and milk.

4. miss is the cake .here you are. thank you.

5. my name’s chen like some rice ,milk and fish.


快乐abc学校 班级姓名得分。满分 100分 一 读一读,填一填 填上单词中所缺的字母。5分 1.面包 br d 2.牛奶 mi k 3.鱼 ish 4.果汁 j ic 5.蛋糕 c ke 二 选出每组中不同类的单词。10分 1.a.blue b.bread c.brown 2.a.egg b.do...


班级姓名。一 看拼音,写词语。10分 m y sh fu j ng c i x j c o n sh n zh x x n q n t n ch u zh zh ng y 二 在正确答案下划横线。10分 1 今天,我忘了 带戴 红领巾,还忘了 带戴 语文书,真不 因应 该。2 微风吹 拂佛 柳丝仿 ...


三年级上册英语第五单元闯关题。班级姓名得分。key words and sentences 面包 果汁 蛋 牛奶 水。蛋糕 鱼 米饭。i d like some juice,please.h e some bread.here you are.听力部分。一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填在题...