
发布 2020-11-04 06:00:28 阅读 5932




一、 词汇知识。


1. watch(第三人称单数2. h**e(第三人称单数)__

3. number(缩写形式4. do not(缩写形式。

5. us (物主代词6. know (同音异形词)__

7. we ( 宾格形式8. do (第三人称单数。


likes体育运动)very much.

2让我们) play tennis.

has two篮球).

mother打) ping pong every day.

h**e a computer game. it’s有趣的).

mother __想要) a nice book.

music听起来) good.

you want to加入) the english club?

play soccer is困难的).

to我的) school.


1you h**e a basketball?

--yes, i __

2. -does gina __a math book?

---no, he __

3chi-young h**e a tennis racket?

--yes, _does.

4. _play volleyball.

5. my brother __h**e a notebook.

6. she __sports every day.

7. that sounds __

8. my sister __five baseballs.

9. -do you h**e __ball?

-- no, we___

10. i don’t like math. it’s

二、 按要求转换下列句型。

1. li ping has a soccer ball.(变为一般疑问句)

li ping a soccer ball?

2. does she h**e a cd?(做肯定回答)

she .3. he has a baseball bat.(变否定句)

hea baseball bat.

4. you h**e a volleyball.(一般疑问句)

___you __a volleyball?

5. the boy doesn’t h**e a tv.(肯定句)

the boy___a tv.

6. i h**e a nice book.(改为否定句)

ia nice book.

7. he likes his new room.(改为一般疑问句)

hehis new room?

8. frank has four baseballs. (就划线部分提问)

frank9. my parents h**e five good friends.(就划线部分提问)

friends do your parents h**e?

10. do your father and mother like sport?(做肯定回答)

三、 单项选择。

)1. jim, _you h**e a tv?

a. dob. isc. ared. does

)2. -let’s play soccer, jill.

-- that __boring.

a. soundb. is soundc. soundsd. sound is

)3volleyballs do you h**e?

-- three.

a. whatb. wherec. how manyd. do

)4. -does your brother play ping-pong ball?

-- yes

a. he isb. he doesc. he doesn’td. it does

)5. frankenglish dictionary.

a. is ab. h**e anc. has and. h**e a

)6. let’scomputer games.

a. playingb. to playc. don’t playd. play

)7. -let’s play soccer.

--no, it’si want to watch tv.

a. interesting b. relaxing c. boringd. funny

)8. -what do you

---tennis rackets. i h**e four.

a. h**eb. doc. liked. let

)9. we __h**e a baseball.

a. aren’tb. don’tc. doesn’td. isn’t

)10. i h**e a sister, a brothera cousin.

a. orb. forc. ford. and

)11. sonia hall plays __basketball every day.

a. ab. anc. thed./

)12. ed smith only __volleyball games __tv.

a. watch, in b. looks, onc. watches, ond. sees, in

)13. —li wei, do you h**e any pencils?

i don't h**e any.

a. excuse me b. certainlyc. okd. sorry

)14. every day __has a good rest and does his homework after school.

a. tomb. katec. tom and kated. tom’s sister

)15. lily and liz __a cat. they like it very much.

a. h**e b. hasc. there isd. there are

四、 从ⅱ中找出与ⅰ相对应的句子。

) play soccera. yes, they do.

) you h**e 70 tennis at schoolb. no, he doesn’t.

) they like watching tvc. no, we don’t.

) eddy like sportsd. great! that sounds fun.

) you and your friend play soccer every day? e. no, i h**e sixty.

)6. i’m sorry i can’t play tennisf. i like both soccer and ping-pong.

)7. how many baseballs do you h**eg. it’s in my backpack.

)8. where’s your ping-pong bat, pleaseh. yes, it’s interesting.

)9. do you like computer gamesi. don’t worry, it’s easy, let me teach you.


第五单元小测。一 基础练习与积累。1 下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是 3分 a 诀别角逐联袂一蹶不振b 孤傲辜负沽名怙恶不悛 c 嫌恶厌恶恶心恍然大悟d 装潢辉煌彷徨惊惶。2 在下列词语中的错别字下划线,将正确地字写在括号内。a 绝别笑柄尘封惊慌失措。b 什物糊涂宽怒苦心孤旨。c 肃杀虐杀...


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