人教版 英语八年级下册第六单元课堂达标题

发布 2020-11-04 05:20:28 阅读 8897



英语八年级下unit5. sectiona(1a---2c) (a)

一。 根据提示完成首字母单词。

1. i think i’m g___to go to the party.

2. i___you stay at home .you will be sorry.

3. when is a good time to o___the party?

4. we will h**e a g___time.

5. what will h___if you get up late.


1.what __would/will) happen if they miss the bus.

2.if we h**e the party today , halfclass/the class) won’t come.

3.if we watch a vidieo,i will be __boring/bored).

4.if he __go/goes/will go)to school, he __is/will be)happy.


1.if you go to the party ,you会玩得很开心)

2. if you穿牛仔)to the party ,the teachers不会让你进去)

3将发生什么事) if they h**e the party today.

英语八年级下unit5. sectiona(1a---2c) (b)


1. if you __wear) jeans to the party,the teachers __not let) you in.

2. i think i __go)to the party tomorrow.

3. if he __help) me with my english,i __be) successful.

4. what __happen) if you go to school late.


1. 如果你来参加晚会,你会玩得很开心。__you go to the party,you

2. 如果他们今天举办晚会,会发生什么事呢?whatif theytoday.

3. 如果今天我们举办晚会,半数学生不会来。 _we___the party todaywon’t come.




英语八年级下unit5. sectiona(1a---2c) (c)

1. if you are late for class , the teacher __angry.

a. is b. was c. will d. will be

he __harder, he will catch up with us soon.

c. will study

3._i think i am going to school ,what about you ?

i am b. me, too c. i will d. yes, i am

is a good time __the party?

h**e you h**e the party , half __won’t come.

class classes

___the bus to the party .

take 二。句型转换。

1.i’ll h**e a great time,if i go to school late(划线部分提问)

you___if you go to school late?

2. he will help me organize the party.(同一句)

he will___me___the party.

will study for the test.(一般疑问句)

for the test?

will go to jinan.(否定句)

they___go to jinan.

5. “i will be sorry.” i will stay at home.”(用if合为一句话)

___i __at home, i __sorry.

a)答案;一。 3. organize

二。 2. the class ,will be.

三. h**e a great/good time. jeans,won’t let you in will happen

b)答案;一。't let go be happen

二。 will h**e a great/good time happen, h**e the party the class

三。 a great /good time party sb. in the party the class 6 stay at home

jeans sb. with/do sth.


二. will ,happen 2. help ,with you study not stay ,will be


八年级下册 unit8 seaction a(3a---4) 题a


i work hard,ipass) the final exam.

the meeting until it’s over.

you stay at home,you___be) sorry.

them___wash) their hands before lunch.

the bus to school if it is possible tomorrow.


stay at home. it rains tomorrow.(用if连接)

iat home___it___tomorrow.

accident will happen if you drive carelessly.(就划线部分提问)

happen if you drive carelessly?

can’t bring friends from other schools to the party.(改为祈使句)

friends from other schools to the party.

will tr**el around the world.(变成否定句)

shearound the world.

will follow you everywhere.(变成一般疑问句)

___people___you everywhere?

answers: pass be take

stay if rains





八年级下册 unit8 seaction a(3a---4) 题b


1.__bring them some flowers?

a)why not(b) why not to(c) why do not

you don’t h**e your id card,we won’t __

a)let you down (b) let you in (c) let you cry

the party.


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