
发布 2020-11-04 05:17:28 阅读 1492

1. at the time of… 当…时候。

2. match a with b 将a与b进行匹配。

3. beat he**ily against the windows 猛烈地击打着窗户。

4. beat him/his team 打败了他/他的队伍。

5. win/won a medal/the first prize 赢得了一个奖章/一等奖。

6. he stands against the wall. 他倚/靠墙而站。

7. here are 4 for him, 5 against him. 4人支持,5人反对。

8. fallen trees/ le**es 落叶 broken window 破损的窗户。

9. come to realize 意识到。

10. be in the library 在图书馆be on the street 在马路上。

be at the bus stop 在公交车车站。

11. wait for the bus 等公交车。

12. at this/that time/moment 在这/那一刻。

13. be busy doing=be busy with sth./doing sth. 忙于做某事。

14. look/ search for 寻找。

15. h**e a look 看一看look at the blackboard 看黑板。

16. take a hot shower 洗热水澡。

17. pick me/him/her/them up 顺便接某人。

18. pick up the phone 接**pick up the book 捡起书。

19. it was reported/said that 据报道/说。

20. help sb with sth. 帮助某人做某事。

21. bring people closer together 使人们在一起并变得更亲近。

22. here are two pieces of wood 这有两块木头here is a piece of wood.

23. desk is made of wood.(原材料可见) be made from (看不出原材料)

24. with on light outside 室外没有光。

25. make sure that+句子确保…make sure of sth. 确保、确认。

26. try to do sth 试着,设法做某事。

27. h**e fun=h**e a good time 玩得愉快。

28. at first 最初 to begin/start with 开始。

29. fall (fell) asleep 进入梦乡,睡着be asleep 睡着的。

30. wake up 醒来be awake 醒着的。

31. die down 逐渐变弱/消失 be dying down

32. be in a mess处于杂乱无章。

33. break/fall things apart 使东西四分五裂。

34. help each other in times of difficulty 在困难时互相帮助。

35. take photos 拍照 take after 长得像。

36. turn on the radio打开 turn off 关掉 turn up 调高 turn down

37. you are kidding 开玩笑 play a joke

38. make her/his/their/our way 费力地前行。

39. hear the news of 听说…的新闻。

40. an important event 一件重要的事件。

41. for example 例如。

42. on the radio/phone 通过…

43. in silence 沉默,无声。

44. the rest of… 剩下的…

45. be completely shocked 被完全震惊be killed 被杀。

46. be taken down by 被…摧毁/拆除be attacked by 被…袭击。

47. sb. +be+so+adj. that+句子太…以至于。

48. i was so scared that i couldn’t think.

49. to tell the truth 说实话。

50. h**e trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难。

51. hurt from hitting the ground 因撞着地而疼痛。

52. what is/was/were/are sth. like?…怎么样?


1.the time of 当 时候 2.match a with b 将a与b进行匹配。3.beat he ily against the windows 猛烈地击打着窗户。4.beat him his team 打败了他 他的队伍。5.win won a medal the first priz...


24.with on light outside 室外没有光。25.make sure that 句子确保 make sure of sth.确保 确认。26.try to do sth 试着,设法做某事。27.h e fun h e a good time 玩得愉快。28.at first 最初 ...


确信 确认 进人梦乡 逐渐变弱 逐渐消失。拆除 醒来 一团糟 接 当。时候 闹钟 发出响声 通过广播 ahotshower洗热水澡在这个地区走路经过在路边在某人去 的路上 thenews听到这个消息 一个小学生 接 超过 recently最近地 老实说。22.h emeaningto sb对 有意义...