
发布 2020-10-29 05:47:28 阅读 8228


)1、please don’t listen to the parrot.

a.请听鹦鹉的 b.请听鸟的。c. 请不要听鸟的。

) sorry,mr green’.

a.对不起,格林先生。 b.对不起,***。c.对不起,格林老师。


a.where are the bird? b.where is the bird?

) this your schoolbag?.



a.nice to meet you b.what’s your name?

)6..don’t sleep ,li u tao。

a.不要睡觉,刘涛。 b. 不要吃东西,刘涛。



a good morning. b. good evening. c. good afternoon.


a is this your pencil? that your pencil? your pencil?


a. she is amy. b. this is amy. c. this amy.


a.. hi, i’m bai ling. b. hi, this is bai ling. c. am i bai ling?


a. it’s an english book。 b. it’s my english book.


this? b. what’s that?


at my new crayons. b. can you find my crayons?

) 8.、你想让别人不要喝牛奶你应该怎么说:

a . don’t drink the milk. drink my milk.


a. this is my isn’t my pen.

)10.当别人look,a bird!你应回答

beautiful! a nice!

)11.当别人说i h**e a new robot.你应说

a. oh, it, s beautiful. b. oh, i, m sorry.

)12.当别人说here you are 你应说

a. okb. thank you.


a. who, s this boy? b. where is he?


a. h**e a look at my bear. b. may i h**e a look ?

c. look at my bird.

)15. 当你想向别人展示你能表演像猫一样做动作时,说:

a. i can act like a cat. b. may i h**e a look ?


a、 happy new year! b、happy birthday! c、how are you?


a 、this is my new friend. b、 how are you? c、 nice to meet you.


a、i h**e a bear. b、 i h**e a rabbit. c、i h**e a pig.


a、here you are. b、 may i h**e a look ? c、 let's go to school.


a、he’ behind the door b、she’s behind the door c、he‘s in the tree.’

)21. 你的朋友过生日时,你应该对她说:

a. happy birthdayb. i’m fine, thank you.


( )1. 当别人问你来自**后, 应回答说。

a. you’re welcome. b. i’m from america. c. my name is li mei.

) 2..当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说。

a. what a big goose! b. how beautiful! c. what a big fish!

) 3. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _

a. it’s here. b. here you are. c. here it is.

)4. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: _

a. where is my taxi? b. where is my car? c. this is my car.

) 5. 当看到别人在课堂上说话,应说。

a. don’t talk in class. b. don’t run in class. drink in class

) 6.当问别人身体怎样时,应该说

. how old are you ? b. how are you ? c. fine, thank you.

) 7.今天是john的生日,他的爸爸应该对他说

1、说说你身边物质变化的例子。a.happy birthday!

b. happy teacher’s day! c.

happy children’s day!

3、月球是距离地球最近的星球直径大约是地球的1/4,质量大约是地球的1/80,月球体积大约是地球的1/49,月球引力大约是地球的1/6。( 8.当别人赞扬你的物品漂亮时,他应该说


thank you. b. you are welcome.

c. how nice!

) 9.当你询问对方来自**时,应该说


what is it? b. what’s your name?

c. where are you ?

18、北斗七星构成勺形,属于大熊座,北极星属于小熊座。( 10.当你想告诉别人你喜欢书时,应该说

2、物质变化有快有慢,有些变化只改变了物质的形态、形状、大小,没有产生新的不同于原来的物质,我们把这类变化称为物理变化;有些变化产生了新的物质,我们把有新物质生成的变化称为化学变化。 alike pears. b.

show me the apples. c. i like books.

答:①尽可能地不使用一次性用品;②延长物品的使用寿命;③包装盒纸在垃圾中比例很大,购物时减少对它们的使用。( 11.当你正在找铅笔时,应该说

二、问答:a.here is my pencil? b. where is my crayon? c. where is my pencil-case?

1、我们每天都要消耗食物和各种各样的生活用品,与此同时,也产生了许多垃圾。( 12.当新年来到时,应该说

a.happy halloween! b. thank you. c. happy new year!


1、世界是由物质构成的。我们身边的书、橡皮、电灯、大树、动物、植物包括我们自己都是由物质构成的。 a.

who are you? b. hello!

c. this is my friend.


第 5 页共 6 页。1 翻译句子。1 please don t listen to the parrot.a.请听鹦鹉的 b.请听鸟的。c.请不要听鸟的。sorry,mr green a.对不起,格林先生。b.对不起,c.对不起,格林老师。3.鸟在 1 翻译句子。1 please don t li...


1 翻译句子。1 please don t listen to the parrot.a.请听鹦鹉的 b.请听鸟的。c.请不要听鸟的。sorry,mr green a.对不起,格林先生。b.对不起,c.对不起,格林老师。3.鸟在 a where are the bird?b where is the...


一 p7 hi,mr jones.1 mr jones,this is amy.she s a new student.where are you from?hi,amy.i m from the uk.二 p141 hi,dad.this is my friend amy.nice to meet...