
发布 2020-10-28 08:24:28 阅读 6897


班级姓名。一。 选择对应的翻译写在横线上。(20分)

third september railway station interested friend

around at weekends museum mother’s day saw




1.( kitec. park


) 1. i’m going tosome stories.

a. listen b. read c. put on

) 2. don’ton the floor.

a. pick flowers b. throw waste ***** c. play football

) 3alone the road and turn left at the first crossing.

a. go straight b. take off c. get on

) 4. he isto us. i like him.

a. active b. smart c. kind

) 5. —where did you go yesterday?

—ito the forest.

a. go b. went c. went to

) 6. —how can i go to the railway station?

—you canbus no. 58.

a. play b. make c. take

) 7. —what are we going to do?

—wedo a research.

a. going to b. will be c. are going to

) 8. motherme a present on my next birthday.

a. gives b. g**e c. will give

) 9. don’ton the book.

a. write b. writing c. to write

) 10is peter’s birthday?

—his birthday is on the 13th of october.

a. where b. when c. which


1) let’s make a kite

2) what will you do on mother’s day

3) what are they going to do

4) don’t talk in class

5) when is children’s day

6) is there a shopping centre near here

7)can you show me the way to the railway station

8) where were you last night

a. they’re going to read a storyb. i’m sorry.

c. i’ll buy her a giftd. ok.

e. it’s on the 1st of was at the airport .

there isn’t. but there’s a hotel near here

take bus no. 9 and get off at the third stop.


) 1. 同学问你做风筝需要什么材料时,你会这样回答:__

a. we need ***** and bamboo. b. tie and glue it.

) 2.你想知道你的好朋友什么时候生日,你会问?

your birthday? b. when’s your birthday?

) 3.你将要在儿童节表演一个短剧,你会如何跟家人说?

a. i will write a short play on children’s day.

b. i am going to put on a short play on children’s day.

) 4.你想去机场,但是不小心迷路了,你会怎么问路?

a. can you show me the way to the airport?

b. can you show me the way to the cinema?

) 5.你上周参观了长城,你会怎么跟同学说?

a. i visit the great wall last week.

b. i visited the great wall last week.


1. going to, are, we, what, do (?

2. kite, a, let’s, make (.

1. is, your, when, birthday, (

4. birthday, is, her, september, in (.

5. did, go, you, where (?

6. children, is , he , kind, to (.

七、read and write.(选词填空)(10分)

1) —where is the bank?

—it isthe post office.

2) —we are going to do some

3) —my birthday is in

4) —i miss (想念) my family and i want to go back to(回去)my

5)—just go and then turn right at the second crossing.


yesterday was august 20th。. it was mary’s birthday ! she went shopping at the shopping centre in the morning.

at 12 o’clock, she had lunch with her good friends at the restaurant. in the afternoon, she went to the cinema and watched a movie. in the evening, she sang with her friends at the ktv.

she was so happy.


永州泓文实验学校2012 2013学年度第一学期期末校考试卷。六年级英语科目。本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为60分钟。听力部分 40分 一 听录音,写出所听到的单词,并写出其汉语意思。10分 二 听录音,选出与所听到的单词。10分 1.a.bull b quietly c.huge 2.a.noi...


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