join in 五年级上册期中测试卷

发布 2020-10-28 08:21:28 阅读 9650


考试时间 60 分钟。



listening part (40%)

i. listen and choose the right word. (听音,选出正确的单词。) 5%)

1. a. daughter

b. doctor

c. -in-


listening part (40%)

i. listen and choose the right word. (听音,选出正确的单词。) 5%)

i. listen number. (听音,给下列**标序号。) 5%)

iii. listen and circle the right word. (听音,圈出所听到句子中正确的单词。) 5%)

iv. listen and choose the right sentence. (听音,选出正确的句子。) 5%)

v. listen and write “t” or “f”. 听音,判断正 “t” 误 “f”。)5%)

vi. listen and choose the right answer to the question. (听音,选出正确的答句。) 5%)

vii. listen and fill in the blanks. (听音,用所听到的单词填空。)

hi, i’m timengland. here is my photo. i likefootball.

iup at seven o’clock. i go to school at quartereight. school starts at halfeight.

it ends at half past three. i go to bed at nine.

viii. listen and choose the right answer. (听音,选出每个问题正确的答案。)

writing part (60%)

i. write the answers to each riddles. (写出每个谜语的答案。) 5%)

1. your mother’s father is your

2. your mother’s mother is your

3. this woman sings very well, she has lots of fans. she is a

4. she works in the hospital, she is not a nurse, she is a

5. your father’s brother is your

ii. read and choose. (单项选择。) 10%)

iii. choose the answer to the sentences. (给问句找出正确的答案。) 5%)

iv. order the sentences. (给下列句子排序。) 5%)

v. choose the right activity to fill in the blanks. (选择正确的活动填空。) 5%)

vi. write the words of jobs. (写出对应职业的单词。) 5%)


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