
发布 2020-10-24 03:34:28 阅读 3511





a. yellow b. play with c. where d. school e. shorts

f. these g. miss h. watch i. do j. bed

床( )黄色( )短裤这些( )

看( )和---一起玩小姐( )

在**做学校( )


a.i’m lost. where’s the zoo?

b. excuse me. can you help me?

c. in the evening, i do my homework.

d.iplay on the computer

e. i clean my bedroom

f. these are new trousers.

g. let’s go to the park to fly kites

h. go straight and turn left.

i. i play catch with a ball

j. what do you do on sunday?

( )1.直走然后向左转

)2. 我迷路了,动物园在**?







)9.你星期天在做什么10. 我玩接球游戏。


) 1.当你要打扰别人时,你应说:

a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. sorry.

) 2.当某人向你问路,你想指给他时,你应该说

a、i can show you. b. excuse me. c. thank you!

) 3.爸爸问你今天星期几时,应说:

a. where’s it? b. what day is it? c. what’s this?

) 4当你想知道去图书馆怎么走时,你应该询问别人

a. how are you? b. where’s the library? c. how old are you?

( )5当你建议大家一起去购物时,你应说:__

want to go shopping. b. i like tomato. c. let’s go shopping.


a、red is stop. b、yellow is wait. c、yellow is go。


watch tv after dinner. b. i talk on the phone with my friends. c. i listen to music.


a.what do you want to buy ? b. let’s go to the book shop. c. don’t use that bag.


a.i read a book . b. i write a story. c.idraw a picture for my story.

( )10..let’s go to the library to___

a .watch a movie. kites c. read a book


) youa. he is wearing a green sweater.

) 2. what is he wearingb. no, it’s kim’s cap.

) 3. is this your capc. no, it’s near.

) 4. what do you do in the morning? d. yes, please.

) 5. is it far from heree. i want to buy a new dress.

) 6. may i help youf. you’re welcome.

) 7. what do you want to buy? g.. it’s 40 yuan.

) 8. how much is ith. go straight and turn left.

) 9. where’s the zooi. thanks.

) 10. i like your skirtj. i brush my teeth.

一. look and write. 看图,写单词 (10分)

二、choose the best answer. 选择最佳答案 (20分)

)1、please turn rightthe traffic lights.

a、in b、at c、to

)2、the classroom is near __the playground.

a、form b、/ c、at

)3、go __and turn right.

a、straight b、under c、with

)4、where is the library

a、 it’s a car. b、it’s not far. c、go straight and turn right.

)5、is that far __here?

a、form b、in c、to

)6、__do you go to school? —by bike.

a、what b、where c、how

)7、i want to play football. i’m going to the___

a、 hospital b、classroom c、playground

( )8、where are you goingthe library.

a、to b、to c、in

( )9、let me __you.

a、 helps b、help c、helping

( )10、cars stop at the __lights

a、 red b、green c、blue

三、连词成句 ( 10分 )

1、you help can me

2、is the where library

3、are many there streets

4、a see i to doctor want

5、school going she the to is

四、快乐阅读,判断正(t)误( f ) 15分)

boy:excuse me. where is the library?

girl:well, just go straight down this street and turn right at the lights.

boy:i don’t understand. please speak slowly.

girl:sure! go straight down this street you’ll see traffic lights.

turn right at the lights. then you will see the library.

boy:is that far from here?


lesson 9 let s go shopping 教学设计。教材分析 本套教材以学生为中心,以主要人物的活动为主线,围绕最常用最基本的英语词汇句型和交际绘画逐步展开教学内容。丰富多彩的练习形式使学习活动化,活动交际化,即贴近了生活,又展现了中西方国家的不同文化背景。本课讲述了一些商店名称,并茂。...


classroom kl srum n.教室 library laibrri n.图书馆,藏书室 文库 playground plei raund n.运动场,操场 gym dim n.健身房 体育馆。show u vt.显示 说明 演出 展出 excuse me对不起,打扰一下。turn righ...


金远见培训学校四年级英语 上 测试题一。姓名得分 二 将单词进行分类,并把它们抄写在四写格上。15分 bell green wheel library thirty one hundred twelve gym fifteen office truck yellow chain car cab颜色。...