
发布 2020-09-30 05:36:28 阅读 9194




)1. sk_ _t裙子 b. yu )2.

tr_ _sers裤子 )3. _i rt衬衫 )5. sw_ _ter毛衣 )6.

b_ _k书a. oo b. oc )7.


裤子( )8. thisa.那些b.

这c.一些( )9. weeka.

年b.周c.月( )10.



)1、a. skirt b. redc.

sweater()2、a. socks b. shoes c.

today()3、a. red b. green c.

colour()4、a. he b. shec.

my)5、a. book b. trousers tv b.

mum socks b. trousers b. sunday do b.

watch b. 三、单选(20分)

)1. this __a red is b. are

)2. he is __a red


) is a blue __t恤衫). b. )4are yellow trousers.

) is wearingold sweater.

) this his cap?

it is b. yes they are c. no it is( )is___old coat

a. a b. an

)8. these are yellow __

a. trousers b. cap ) do you __at home?

a. do b. to

) many days are there in a week?__days. a. ten b. two 四、情境英语(15分)

)1.当你想表达自己喜欢黑色的裤子时,你应该说 like red trousers. like black trousers.


a. he is wearing a cap. b. he is wearing a white coat.( 3.当别人夸我们衣服好看时,你应该说:__

know )4.当你想表达“他穿着什么衣服时”时,你应该说:__

a. what is she wearing? b. what is he wearing?( 5.当你想表达“这是他的裤子吗”,你应该说:__

a. are these her trousers? b..are these his trousers?五、连线。(10分)

1、a green sweatera.做我的家庭作业2、read a bookb.一件绿色的毛衣3、a new shirtc.读书。

4、watch tvd.一件新衬衫5、do my homeworke.看电视。


) are it is.( is fine,thanks.( is she green.

) colour is itd. this is a shirt.( it newe.

she is wearing a shirt.七、词语搭配。(10分)1、domy dad and mum2 watch my homework3、play tv

4、help with the toys.5、clean my bedroom.


冀教版四年级数学下册测试卷。第一 三单元。一 填空。15分 1 用字母表示下面的运算定律。1 加法交换律。2 加法结合律。3 乘法交换律。4 乘法结合律。5 乘法分配律。2.学校计划每月用水a吨,实际节约了b吨。照这样计算,实际每月用水 吨,全年用水 吨。3.每千克苹果a元,每千克梨5元,各买m千克...


2013 2014学年度第一学期四年级英语十一月份月考试卷。班级 姓名 分数 一 选出划线部分读音与种不同的一项。每小题2分,共10分。二 圈出不同类的一项,把序号填在括号里。每小题2分,共10分。三 a.写出下列单词的汉语意思 每小题1分,共10分。b.写出下列完全形式。每小题1分,共2分。四 单...


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