
发布 2023-01-22 08:07:28 阅读 5698


1. sister her

2. thirty first

3. lunch music

4. nurse hamburger

5. tiger sister


)1. is that the music room?

a. art room b. classroomc. ruler

)2. do you like maths?

a. english b. musicc. school

)3. let’s go.

a. runb. jumpc.

)4. it’s time for lunch.

a. breadb. dinnerc. breakfast

)5. it’s nine o’clock.

a. firstb. elevenc. sixteen


) 1. go to the playground, and playfootball.

a. thebc. a

) 2. read a book in the___

a. kitchen b. library c. garden

) 3. —where is the teacher’s office

a. it’s on the first floor. b. yes, it is.

c. this is the teacher’s office.

) 4 go to theh**e a snack.

a. art room b. bathroom c. kitchen

)5. time __go to bed.

a. atb. forc. to

)6. it’s 5:00. it’s time to go

a. to home b. home c. school

)7. —you h**e a music room? yes, we do.

a. are b. do c. can

)8. it’sit’s time to h**e lunch.

a. 11:00 b.

)9. —where___you? —i’mnew york.

a. are; in b. is; inc. are; on

)10.—is this the music roomyes, _

a. it is. b. it isn’t. c. it’s


1. is, the , teachers’ office it (

2. that the art room is

3. now time is what it

4. get up is to time it

5. school is my this


1. 老师宣布放学应该说:

a. school is overb. class is over

2. 晚饭已经做好了,妈妈应该说:

a. dinner is good. b. dinner is ready.

3. 当你快迟到了,妈妈催促说:

a. hurry upb. let’s play

4. 你想问现在几点了?,应该说:

a. what time is it now? b. when time is it now?

5. 你想知道朋友的学校有没有美术教室,应该问:

a.is this the art room? b. do you h**e an art room?


1. welcome to my school.

2. is this the library

3. do you h**e a big playground?

4. the computer room is next to my classroom.

the teachers’ office.








2. 起床。


. 回家。. 二楼。


1. go to the playground. a. water the flowers.

2. let’s go to the library. b. play football.

to the gardenc. thank you

4. it’s time for bedd. ok.

5. your school is coole. just a minute.


hi. i’m tom. i’m a boy.

i get up at 6:30. i eat breakfast at 7:

00. i go to school at 7:00.

i h**e english class at 8:00. at 9:

00, it’s time for match class. i h**e music class at 10:00.

i eat lunch at 12:00. it’s time for pe class at 1:

30. i go home at 4:00.

it’s time to go to bed at 9:00 it’s my day. how about you?

)1. i get up at 6:30.

)2. i eat breakfast at 7:30.

)3. i h**e chinese class at 8:00.

)4. i go home at 4:00.

)5. it’s 9:00. time to go to bed.


2012 2013第二学年度四年级第一次月考测试题。姓名 一 看拼音,写词语。6分 f n w i f z z ng h ng xi o y ng y ng xi gu c n l n h ng t ng t ng 二 火眼金睛,辨字组词。8分 魄 染 辨 贤 魂 柴 辫 览 辙 斩 易 稠 撒 渐...


月考测试卷 一 时间 50分钟满分 100分 一 补全下面单词。10分 n ed 需要 c at 外套 k te 风筝 gr ss 草 flo er 花 二 写出下列字母的大小写。10分 l m o y w a n p r d 三 选出下面汉语的正确意思,将其正确的序号填入括号内。20分 1.鞋a....


2013 2014学年度第一学期四年级英语十一月份月考试卷。班级 姓名 分数 一 选出划线部分读音与种不同的一项。每小题2分,共10分。二 圈出不同类的一项,把序号填在括号里。每小题2分,共10分。三 a.写出下列单词的汉语意思 每小题1分,共10分。b.写出下列完全形式。每小题1分,共2分。四 单...