
发布 2023-01-22 08:06:28 阅读 3333





)1. a. artb. basketball c. music

)2. a. spring b. swim c. autumn

)3. a. science c. play

)4. a. monday b. tuesday c. skip

)5. a. summer b. football c. basktball

)6. a. aunt c. uncle

)7. hot

)8. b. jacket c. cool

)9. c. erhu

) c. saturday


)1. do you like chinese

a. yes, i do. b. no ,i do. c. i like spring.

)2. what season is it

's tuesday. b. i like cooking. c. it's summer.

)3. what’s your hobby

a. no, i don't. b. i like playing football.

c. i like spring and summer.

)4. what day is today

's sunday. b. i can play the piano. c. i like music.

( )5. how many days in a week?( 一星期)

a. 4 b. 7 c. 30

)6. it's __in spring. we often wear___

a. warm, sweaters. b. hot, t-shirts. jackets

)7. i like winter. i can __in winter.

a. fly kite b. go swimming skating

( )seanson do you like

a. i like autumn b. i like running . c. i like monday.

( )9. this is guoyang, he __playing the piano.

a. like b. likes c. do

( )10. we often___in the art room.

the drums b. draw pictures basketball


1. 当你想说星期四我能踢足球,你应该说:(

a. i can dance on thursday.

b. i can play football on thursday.

2. 当你想问今天星期几,你应该说:(

a. what day is today?

b. what season do you like?

3. 当你想在秋天放风筝,你应该说:(

a. i can fly my kite in spring.

b. i can fly my kite in autumn.

4. 当你想说王红在星期天拉二胡,你应该说:(

a. wanghong can play the erhu on sunday.

b wanghong can play the erhu on saturday.

5. 当你想问问今天下午上什么课,你应该说:(

a. what subjects do you h**e this afternoon?

b. what 's your hobby?


a. chinese b. friday c. fly my kite d. coats

e. go swimming

1. i like spring. i often __in spring.

2. it's hot in summer . i can __in summer.

3. we h**e pe on

s cold in winter. we often wear

f**ourite subject is


a栏b栏。 ) you like runninga. it's spring.

) season is itb. yes, i do .

) do you do on sundayc. i often play the piano .

)'s your f**ourite subject ? d. it's wednesday.

) day is todaye. i like chinese and pe.


1. whatdo you like? (季节) 2. i often play

(足球)。3. i like看书)。 4. what’s your爱好)?

5. we h**e pe on星期四)


1. your, what's, hobby (

2. she , dancing , likes (

3. do , like , singing , you (

4. cool, in , it's , autumn (

5. what , do , you , like , season (

八。 读短文判断对错 (对的写t,错的写f) (10分)

danny: it's hot in summr. i can go swimming in summer.

wanghong: i don't like summer. i like spring.

it's warm in spring. what about you , guoyang?

guoyang : i like autumn. i can wear my sweaters.

wanghong: me too, it's cool in autumn.

1. danny likes art.


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