
发布 2020-10-23 07:27:28 阅读 5905


答案) 1. a. go b. begin c. age d. egg

答案) 2. a. want b. nose c. to d. do

答案) 3. a. pig b. bit c. fix d. fight

答案) 4. a. day b. monday c. by d. sunday

答案) 5. a. class b. water c. wash d. grass


(答案) 1. a. i usually go home at 7:00.

b. i usually go home at 4:30.

c. i usually go home at 4:00.

(答案) 2. a. i live in hai dian district.

b. i work in a hotel.

c. i study in a university.

(答案) 3. a. i like swimming.

b. i’d like some chicken.

c. i like reading books.

(答案) 4. a. yes, please.

b. yes, i am.

c. yes, i do.

(答案) 5. a. she’s my good friend, helen.

b. she lives in new york.

c. she’s from london.


答案) 1. a. tuesday b. thursday c. use

答案) 2. a. long b. sing c. flag

答案) 3. a. shop b. stop c. hold

答案) 4. a. date b. maths c. back

答案) 5. a. order b. radio c. room

答案) 6. a. gifts b. sports c. hands

答案) 7. a. weather b. whom c. which

答案) 8. a. pencil b. japanese c. these


(答案) 1. this is __apple. it’s __sweet apple.

a. an; a b. a; a c. an; an

(答案) 2. what __your mum usually do at 7 o’clock in the morning?

a. do b. are c. does

(答案) 3. the boy __blowing up the balloons.

a. do b. is c. was

(答案) 4is the woman over there?

---she’s my aunt.

a. what b. who c. which

(答案) 5. what do you usually do after __

a. school b. the school c. a school

(答案) 6. -is this dictionary __

---yes, it’s

a. you; mine b. yours; my c. yours; mine

(答案) 7. there __some orange juice in the bottle.

a. is b. /c. are

(答案) 8. don’t watch tv too much. it’s bad __your eyes.

a. to b. for c. at

(答案) 9. it’s time for

a. homework b. do homework

c. watch tv

(答案) 10. -would you like some coffee?

i’d like some tea.

a. yes, please. b. yes, thanks. c. no, thanks.


(答案) 1. 你想知道别人是否喜欢跑步,问。

a. do you like run? b. do you like running? c. what do you like?

(答案) 2.你问对方要去哪儿, 说。

a. what are you going? b. where do you going? c. where are you going?

(答案) 3. 你想知道这些花是谁的,问。

a. whose flowers are these? b. whose flower is it? c. who’s these flowers?

(答案) 4. 当别人夸你是个好孩子时,你应说。

a. no, i’m not. b. yes, i am. c. thank you.

(答案) 5. 你问汤姆是否正在打扫房间,说。

a. do you cleaning the room? b.

are you clean the room? c. are you cleaning the room?


听力部分。一 找出与你所听到的音素发音一致的单词。答案 1.a.go b.begin c.age d.egg 答案 2.a.want b.nose c.to d.do 答案 3.a.pig b.bit c.fix d.fight 答案 4.a.day b.monday c.by d.sunday 答...


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